March 14, 2008
Busy For Jesus
Today’s Truth
“…Martha, Martha, you are anxious and troubled about many things.” Luke 10:41
Friend to Friend
I’ve never heard any woman exclaim, “I am soooo Mary!” Indeed, we live in a world with our Martha sisters, “whipping up our meals for Jesus”, serving Him in the church, running around for Him in the community, and knocking ourselves out for Him at home!.
Let me rush to say that Martha was loved and affirmed by our Lord. And she was passionate in her love for Him. She served Him with a heart of devotion and in keeping with the role of the Jewish woman of her day. Yet, we see in the scriptures that she was overly occupied and too busy and distracted with much serving. (Luke
The choice becomes ours – to live our lives mostly like Martha, or mostly like Mary. I am beginning to understand the truth that Mary-Living, is the greater of the two. Each one of these lifestyles can get out of balance, but I am learning to put more energy into being like Mary, than doing like Martha. Jesus said that Mary had chosen that which was to her advantage. (Luke 10:42) He is saying the same thing to me:
“Cindi, it’s to your advantage that you spend time with me…”
You see, your time with your Heavenly Father each day, is not for your punishment, but for your blessing. As you quiet yourself before the Lord, you’ll come to see stressful daily living in a new light. As you consistently come before Him each day in worship, scripture study, and prayerful meditation, your mundane, maxed-out lifestyle will be refocused, redirected, and refreshed!
Yes, your Creator-Designer who knows His plans and purposes for your life invites you to spend time with Him, capturing His thoughts and sharing His heart. When you do, He’ll pour out His love to you in extravagant kinds of ways.
Yes, there are times when we need to be Martha and times we need to be Mary. Being Mary will give you joy for those times you must be Martha. That’s the proper order of loving . . . and living.
Let’s Pray
Dear Jesus, thank You for inviting me to spend time with You. You don’t have to do that, and yet out of Your great love for me . . . You invite me to share Your heart and experience Your love. Out of love, Lord . . . I come. Amen.
Now It’s Your Turn
1) During the past week, have you been more like Martha or more like Mary?
2) What is God speaking to your heart right now?
3) Offer Him your time as a gift of love.
3) Let your heart overflow with praise as you respond to His invitation to be with Him.
More from the Girlfriends
It’s so easy to get distracted by too many good things! I continually seek to become more like Mary and spend time everyday “gazing” into the heart of my Lord. If you’d like to learn more about growing your love relationship with Jesus, I invite you to check out God bless you as your journey!
Seeking God?
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how to have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
Girlfriends in God
Matthews, NC 28106
Originally published Friday, 14 March 2008.