Girlfriends in God - Sept. 29, 2009

September 29, 2009 
The One Who Sees Me 
Gwen Smith

Today's Truth 
"She gave this name to the LORD who spoke to her: "You are the God who sees me," for she said, "I have now seen the One who sees me."  Genesis 16:13, NIV

Friend To Friend 
Have you ever felt lonely, scared, angry, confused and hurt all at the same time?  Ever felt like running away from a difficult situation?  I have.  There was a time, several years ago, when I wanted to run - hard and fast - from life as I knew it.  I had just birthed three babies in three years.  Then, to everybody's surprise, my husband got a promotion that moved our young family across the country to a place where we knew no one.  I had two babies in diapers and one ‘big boy' struggling to say goodbye to his binky.  There was always a diaper to change, a mouth to feed or a mess to clean up.  My days were a blur and my emotions were overloaded. 

In my mind, I knew I wasn't alone - but in my heart, I felt like I was. 

God knew exactly where I was. 

He saw me. 

El Roi was with me each step of the way.  He answered prayers that had never even made it past my lips when he sent me a priceless new friend named Peg.  She was a young mom, too.  We laughed together, cried together, prayed together, watched each other's children and supported one another.  She was a true blessing in that desperate season of my life. 

Hagar was a young Egyptian servant girl who also faced some big challenges.  In the Old Testament book of Genesis, chapter 16, we hear of her plight…and of her flight.  When faced with difficult circumstances, she didn't stay - she ran away.  And when she found herself seemingly alone in the desert, God sought her out and called her by name.  Stunned that the God of the universe cared to comfort her, Hagar responded by giving God a new name…El Roi…"The One who sees me."

Below is the lyric to an intimate song that I co-wrote about Hagar…but it's also about me…and it's about you…

The One Who Sees Me 
By Gwen Smith and Brad Bailey

No matter where I am, Lord, You see me
No matter where I've been, You've been there, too  

And even in the times I feel abandoned and alone 
You hold me like a child and draw me close to You

I lift my eyes to the One who sees me 
No matter where I am 
No matter where I am 
I lift my soul to the One who lifts me 
With a loving hand 
With a loving hand 
No matter where I am I'm turning to 
The One who sees me  

No matter what I say, Lord, You hear me 
No matter where I go, You're by my side

And even in the times I feel exhausted and unheard 
You love me with Your words, passionate and kind

Even my darkest place is illuminated by Your grace 
I am so amazed*

To hear "The One Who Sees Me" CLICK HERE and listen on Gwen's Facebook Music Page.

Let's lift our eyes and our souls to El Roi right now!

Let's Pray 
Dear Lord, there have been times when I have felt alone and abandoned.  Thanks for reminding me that You are a God who will never allow me to be beyond Your sight or Your reach.  Help me to face trials with a courage that is firmly routed in your strength and power so others might be drawn to You and know Your grace.  In Jesus' name, amen.

Now It's Your Turn  

  • What can you learn from Hagar's encounter with God in the desert?  
  • Is there a difficulty in your life that you are tempted to run away from or ignore?  
  • Are you willing to surrender your pain to El Roi?

More From The Girlfriends 
As you are in your home and about town in your car, play some worship music!!  Why wait?  Listen to some now!!  Download Gwen's live worship CD, Unsearchable, from iTunes, or order the CD from the store on her website. If you don't have the resources to invest in your worship library right now, listen to Gwen's music FREE on her MUSIC FACEBOOK PAGE:

*© 2005 Audio 31 Music / Sunday Best Music (ASCAP) 

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Girlfriends in God
P.O. Box 725
Matthews, NC 28106

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Originally published Tuesday, 29 September 2009.