January 2, 2015
The “Perfect” Day
Kathi Lipp
Today’s Truth
But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. (Matthew 6:33, NIV)
Friend to Friend
Every single morning I type out a To Do list. Some people may think I’m highly organized, but between you and me, I know that I can get distracted by just about anything, (it doesn’t even have to be bright and shiny.)
Plus, I love the rush of getting everything on that list checked off and done. Checkmarks make me happy. Crossing stuff off? Ecstatic.
So for a long time, any day that I got everything marked off my list, I would announce to my husband that I’d had “A Perfect Day”. (This said with all the fanfare of a pitcher who’d thrown a no-hitter or an Olympic gymnast who’d scored 10 across the board.) So of course, when anything throws me off of my game, I kinda tend to lose my mind. Undone items on my list make me just a tad crazy (and not in a good way.)
That is, until I was lying in bed, talking to my husband, Roger one night.
We had a “Week in Review”. Talking about all the highs and the lows over the past week.
“Well, when Kimber stopped by to talk about her new job that was definitely a highlight. And last night Michele and I Skyped for ninety minutes! Since she has her surgery on Wednesday and won’t be able to talk for a while, that was a gift, a total gift. Oh, and our impromptu dinner at Panda Express! Loved it.”
Celebrating my daughter and her new job, laughing and loving with a friend who is about to go in for major surgery, and flirting with my husband over Walnut Prawns. Not on the list. Not even planned. Holy moments. Each and every one.
So what’s a girl to do? Throw away the list?
No – this list focuses me to accomplish everything that God has purposed my life with. But my list? It needs some room. Room for when God shows up in an interrupting kinda way. Because if I’m truly seeking God’s will, those interruptions to my list are God’s most important tasks for my day.
Let’s Pray
Dear Lord, You are the one who orders my days. Let me been keenly sensitive to Your interruptions, honoring each one as a gift from You.
In Jesus’ name,
Now It’s Your Turn
Today, make a little room in your schedule and look for those “God Interruptions”. Don’t miss the miracle that is waiting for you.
More from the Girlfriends
Are you tired of looking for perfect and want to live the life that God has designed for you? God wants you to live brave, not perfect. Read The Cure for the Perfect Life – 12 Ways to Stop Trying Harder and Start Living Braver. To order the book, go to Amazon, your favorite Christian bookstore, or for a signed copy, order from Kathi’s store.
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Girlfriends in God
P.O. Box 1311
Huntersville, NC 28070
Originally published Friday, 02 January 2015.