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God’s Faithfulness - God's Love at Work - Week of October 13

God’s Faithfulness
by Margaret D. Mitchell

"God is faithful, through whom you were called into fellowship with His Son, Jesus Christ Our Lord."  -1 Corinthians 1:9

Recently, I’ve watched firey sunrises blaze up over mountaintops, burning off the low haze that tries to settle in on the placid river below my glass chapel in rural Tennessee.

Yes, a glass chapel that is pitched on a craggy riverbank, surrounded by decking and trees that stand around and hang over what I have lovingly dubbed The Son Room.

"But Christ is faithful as the Son over God's house. And we are his house, if indeed we hold firmly to our confidence and the hope in which we glory."  -Hebrews 3:6

God led me to a cabin in the woods on the river’s edge to come away and finish my book and watch—in the stillness of the early mornings—His faithfulness shine upon me and His creations on earth.

And I sit silently. And I whisper praises.

To Him.

Of gratitude.

And birds sing in the glory of His new day—rejoicing over His fire of light, His strength of mountains, His peaceful waters, amid His provision. They are assured.

And I take it in. And I am thankful. For Him.

And I am assured, even more, that God is faithful in the simple and in the important, that…

·         Every morning brings an invitation for joy and new mercies.

·         No matter how small or large my faith, His faithfulness is certain.

·         He patiently and faithfully endures with me, even when I know I don’t.

·         His faithfulness never tires.

·         I can do nothing to earn it.

·         I can extend my faith to believe Him at His word to produce through me what He said He would by His grace.

·         I can trust Him consistently…in all things as I persist and as I rest. In all things.

And the sun rises and sets on another day of His glory. And I know that I am His beloved and that He is mine and that we will finish this assignment together because He is the author and the finisher of my faith (Heb. 12:2). Amen.

God’s Promises

In addition to salvation through Jesus, what has God promised you? What assignment is He helping you fulfill?

Hebrews 10:23 assures us that “…He who promised is faithful,” regardless of whether we are.

Do you realize that the fulfillment of God’s promise to you has an appointed time, that even if you waffle in your faith along your journey or you feel impatient at times, God will still faithfully lead you to receive the deliverance of His promise to you? You don’t have to fear that you will miss it. You don’t have to try to force it or forge out ahead unbridled or give up because you know you are not perfect. No, just follow The Holy Spirit’s promptings, and He will bring it to pass. He may lead you to speed up or slow down or to simply wait at times. But He is always on time.

And He is faithful. In all things. All things, even when we are not.

Just trust Him. Simply trust and obey and you will see the fulfillment of His promises.


Dear Lord, Thank You that Your mercies are new every morning. Thank You that You took my sorrow at the cross and that You continue to faithfully turn my mourning into joy. Thank You that You will use everything I endure for good. Thank You for the reminder that You endured much more than I ever will, for which I am grateful. And thank You that your faithfulness meets my faith as I believe You at Your Word to fulfill all of Your promises in my life, according to Your righteousness. You are God, and I am not. I repent of all rebellion and arrogance. And I choose to yield my will to Yours, trusting in Your timing and strategies for Your purposes in my life and in others’ lives. Please open the eyes of my heart and mind to see life from Your perspective and to know You more and more along the way. I invite You to deliver me where You desire I be in this season and forevermore. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Margaret D. Mitchell is the Founder of God's Love at Work, a marketplace outreach purposed to share God's greatest power source - the love of Christ. This devotional was adapted from Margaret's forthcoming book, Enduring Grace. All rights reserved.

Originally published Sunday, 13 October 2019.