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Choose Forward - God's Love at Work - Week of January 13

Choose Forward
by Margaret D. Mitchell

"Take courage as you fulfill your duties, and may the LORD be with those who do what is right."  -2 Chronicles 19:11

I love how God moves us forward when our divine assignments are completed. I love how when we process through the journey God's way, we finish right on time—His time. What assignment have you recently finished? And where are you going next? If you don't know, ask the Holy Spirit to reveal His answer—His purpose and plan for your life at large and in your new season.

A job well done feels good. It gives us a sense of accomplishment and builds our faith and confidence, our trust in the Holy Spirit and God’s word for the next mission.

It is important that we intentionally keep our pathway clear along the journey by following the leading of the Holy Spirit and consistently making right choices.

Is there anything holding you back from finishing on time, finishing well or simply doing the job right? Any hindrances, little foxes? Has there been anything annoying you in your mission at hand? Maybe a stack of “I’ll get to it eventually” documents at home or at the office that confronts you daily? Is it something you really need to accomplish or is it something you can delegate or contract someone to do for you? Sometimes, the process is well worth spending the money to get rid of the hassle, the impending pressure. Maybe it’s something you can toss out all together? Does it have real value or perceived value? What’s pressuring you, robbing you of peace, joy? What are the root causes to annoyances or ungodly cycles and patterns in your world?

For months now, I have seen evidence of the Holy Spirit moving swiftly in setting people free from stumbling blocks during these accelerated times in which we live and work. And as I see God serve new projects on my plate, I have chosen to pray a very bold prayer: “Lord, please remove everyone and everything out of my life that is not of You for me in this season.” Sometimes, we can grow familiar with ungodly things and patterns that we let linger. We can tend to dismiss them, minimize them in our minds; and they can become little foxes that we learn to step around; but the clutter can slow us down, discourage us and cause us to feel a subtle sense of defeat. Such is a ploy of the enemy.

Sometimes, we have to come away with the Holy Spirit and ask Him to shine His light on the issues at hand to enable us to see them clearly. Sometimes, there are strongholds, which have to be dismantled through repentance and an intentional change of habits.

Recently, I sat in a church service with family and friends, and a woman came forward to say a special prayer. She said, “Lord give us the courage . . . “ Immediately, I thought, “No, He has already “given” us the courage. We need to “take” the courage He has already given to us with us everywhere we go. It is our choice to intentionally receive the courage that God has already given us and to step up to apply it to our lives to accomplish the mission at hand daily, moment by moment, step by step. It is not enough to simply know Biblical principles. God’s word is living, active, sharper than a two-edged sword. When we take God’s courage forward with us, we can take dominion, take possession and subdue as the Lord leads in the areas in which He has call us and assigned us. As we do choose forward, His favor will be upon us to get it right and to finish well.

 Hebrews 12:1  tells us, " . . . let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us." May we receive the fulfillment of every promise from God (Hebrews 10:36) and know that shrinking back is not an option (Hebrews 10:38).

As the New Year approaches, I encourage you to spend some special, uninterrupted time with the Holy Spirit and ask Him to shine His light on the little foxes that could otherwise prove to be a hindrance going forward. Resolve to resolve the issues and forget those things behind. God has much for you to accomplish and much for you to enjoy in the New Year ahead. May God be pleased with all your efforts in this season and beyond. God bless you and Happy New Year!

Pray: Father God, thank You for every opportunity for strength and clarity. Thank You for going before me and making a way and for being my rear guard. Thank You that I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Open my eyes to Your assignments. Help me to take courage and to step into all that you have for me, accomplishing Your will Your way in my life as I help build Your Kingdom on earth as it is in heaven. Amen.

Margaret D. Mitchell is the Founder of God's Love at Work, a marketplace outreach purposed to share God's greatest power source - the love of Christ. This devotional was adapted from Margaret's forthcoming book, Enduring Grace. All rights reserved.

Originally published Sunday, 13 January 2019.