Authority Submission - God's Love at Work - Week of March 2

Authority Submission

By Margaret D. Mitchell
Week of March 2, 2025

As I prayed over this Word, Holy Spirit brought to mind the community of Israelites who tried to gain His promises their way. 

Their story reveals how they shrunk back in fear when faced with the spy’s report and basically held themselves back in their own unbelief.

I can’t imagine what it felt like when a few were sent by God to enter in and they got left behind. And then to learn that they adversely affected generations . . . because that’s what sin does.

To make matters worse, they devised a plan of their own doing, against Moses’ authority, to battle on their own without God on their side. As a result, they got pushed back and killed by enemy forces (Numbers 14:40-45).

So, at first, they thought they were too small. Then they thought they were too big. And the single consistent element here is that their minds were deceived by not considering God first. And this wasn’t the first time.

In this light, what is God saying to us today as we stand before Him and His promises? Which direction will we go based on God’s truth, our beliefs and our faithfulness to Him?

I’m continually inspired by the courage of Joshua and Caleb. Known for their careful obedience and wholeheartedness, they submitted to God’s commands and gained victory over opposition battle after battle.

Holy Spirit gave me a dream one night very recently, with two main themes:

First, God is supernaturally freeing up hearts from troubles and fears as they continue to be faithful and lean into Him. Many will come to know Him on a whole new level in this way as their hearts are set free at an accelerated pace.

Secondly, God is bringing a shepherd of powerhouse-authority to help many live out their destinies. This shepherd will have big shoulders and will serve a key role in the areas of protection and connection. This diligent shepherd will serve both as a guard and a conduit. For some, this will be a covenant relationship that will involve abiding and support. 

Deliverance of hearts and relationships will work one after the other as God moves powerfully by His Spirit in growing His faithful ones in submission to Him. 

It’s important that we fall in line quickly with what God has put into place and serve in roles, like our lives depended on it. It’s time for our greatest adventures yet, and there’s freedom in God’s power and legal structure. 

Submission means surrender. It means to be humble and compliant. Godly submission is life-facilitating. We know this from the Israelite’s example.

I was reminded of God’s sovereignty in 1 Corinthians 15:27 TPT, which says, "The Father has placed all things in subjection under the feet of Christ. Yet when it says, ‘all things,’ it is understood that the Father does not include himself, for he is the one who placed all things in subjection to Christ."

Holy Spirit highlighted Titus 3:1 ESV, which says, "Remind them to be submissive to rulers and authorities, to be obedient, to be ready for every good work."

Romans 13:1 TPT tells us that "Every person must submit to and support the authorities over him. For there can be no authority in the universe except by God’s appointment, which means that every authority that exists has been instituted by God."

And Hebrews 13:17 TPT says, "Obey your spiritual leaders and recognize their authority, for they keep watch over your soul without resting since they will have to give an account to God for their work. So it will benefit you when you make their work a pleasure and not a heavy burden."

Also, it's important to watch our words. Paul was all about building up the Kingdom, such as in 2 Corinthians 10:8 TPT, where he says, "I am not ashamed, even if I’ve come across as one who has overstated the authority given to us by the Lord. For it is the authority to help build you up, not tear you down."

"For there are many insubordinate, both idle talkers and deceivers..." (Titus 1:10 NKJV).

So, it’s time to humble ourselves and choose to grow beyond foolishness. Time to break through limited knowledge, fears and apprehensions. It’s time to take the hand of Jesus in child-like faith and live more fully, trusting and believing Him. 

This would be a good time to ask Holy Spirit to search our hearts for any and all insubordination issues. Forgive authorities who have hurt us past and present and pray deliverance and blessings over them. 

Because, even as I write this devotion, I feel Holy Spirit speaking to my heart once again that He will bring us into circles with new authority figures that will require our respect and that these divinely-assigned relationships are to facilitate destiny. 

In Jesus’ Mighty Name, 


Margaret D. Mitchell is the Founder of God's Love at Work, a marketplace outreach purposed to share God's greatest power source - the love of Christ.

Originally published Sunday, 02 March 2025.