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Redeeming Your Time – Part 3 - God's Love at Work - Week of June 13

Redeeming Your Time – Part 3

By Margaret D. Mitchell
Week of June 13, 2021

Redeeming our time is a divine expression of reconciliation. God takes regrets, missed opportunities, and past moments in time and reformulates them into something new, while He simultaneously reforms us inwardly. He brings something good out of all of it to benefit us and others.

God’s power of redemption in our daily lives can break through the resistance of our minds and offer us a fresh vision to gain manifest victory.

Nothing is impossible with Him.

Isaiah 43:18-19 TPT says, “Stop dwelling on the past. Don’t even remember these former things. I am doing something brand new, something unheard of. Even now it sprouts and grows and matures. Don’t you perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and open up flowing streams in the desert.”

Friends, God will bring life where there was or is no life. He is life everlasting. So, when we invite Him into our dead, hopeless places, life begins to flow in and through us from Him as our river of life. When this happens, we will experience our prayers getting answered in new ways.

We need only to have our eyes opened and be aligned with Him.

A few weeks ago, I walked into a store to purchase something small I had had my eye on. It was the perfect throw for a new chair.

When I walked into the store, Holy Spirit immediately drew my attention to the song playing on the store speakers. It was Fleetwood Mac’s Don’t Stop. Suddenly, I heard this song in a new way, as encouragement for my daily redemption from God. The lyrics went:

Open your eyes and look at the day. You’ll see things in a different way. Don’t stop thinking about tomorrow. Don’t stop. It’ll soon be here. It’ll be better than before. Yesterday’s gone. Yesterday’s gone. Why not think about times to come? … Just think what tomorrow will do.

Holy Scripture confirms this message by saying, "Set your gaze on the path before you. With fixed purpose, looking straight ahead, ignore life’s distractions..." (Prov 4:25 TPT). "...fasten your thoughts fully onto Jesus…" (Heb 3:1 TPT). "Keep your thoughts continually fixed on all that is authentic and real, honorable and admirable, beautiful and respectful, pure and holy, merciful and kind. And fasten your thoughts on every glorious work of God, praising him always" (Phil 4:8 TPT).

Yes, there is a backstory…

Once, when I walked through the deepest and longest character-building time of my life and could not see my way off of the ocean floor, our Lord revealed a few highlights of my life forward. He enabled me to see beyond where I was to where He was taking me. He even revealed a major shift to me that was years up ahead that would make room for more of His promises to come into place.

These fresh visions of hope kept me going.

Still today, He opens my eyes daily to see how He has brought me into new life and continues to do so.

He is our trustworthy God of the impossible—our God of more than enough. He makes a way where we cannot see or find one on our own. He delivers us from limitations and sets us on a higher track with Him.

Hebrews 3:1 TPT reminds us that each of us is "invited to the feast" of our "heavenly calling."

God desires that we keep moving in His direction because this is where new life waits to be received. It’s the gift of redemption being worked out in our lives daily.

We need only to humble ourselves, choose to trust Him at His truth, and follow His lead.

So, has God revealed glimpses of your future to you?

Has He given you a vision in your heart?

Have you asked Him about it?

As we walk with Him and seek Him, He will reveal even more! The Lord of our lives will enable us to experience the convergence of small daily victories right up to His complete fulfillment of big promises to us.

The key is to process this path His way, submitting to His strategies and course corrections. When we follow Him into new life, He will surely deliver us into the glory of His goodness and the fruit in the land.

Pray with me if you will…

Dear Lord,

Thank You for making me holy and inviting me to the feast of my Heavenly calling (Heb 3:1 TPT). Take me higher in You, Lord. Show me what You have for me forward—the future You have planned for me (Jer 29:11). Open my eyes to see it unfurl daily. Help me follow You into the great destiny you have for me. My life is Yours. I trust You to get me there—to receive all You have for me and nothing that’s not of You.

In Jesus’ Mighty Name,


Margaret D. Mitchell is the Founder of God's Love at Work, a marketplace outreach purposed to share God's greatest power source - the love of Christ.

Originally published Sunday, 13 June 2021.