Doors of Opportunity - Part 2 - God's Love at Work - Week of June 29

Doors of Opportunity – Part 2 

By Margaret D. Mitchell

We know that Jesus is the Door, who stands in the gap (doorway) on our behalf. He alone holds the key and is the One who rules sovereignly over our entrance. 

Isaiah 22:22 AMPC tells us, "And the key of the house of David I will lay upon his shoulder; he shall open and no one shall shut, he shall shut and no one shall open."

One meaning of the Word “doorway” is “opportunity,” which is a means of access or participation (Webster’s), “a means of achieving or escaping something” (Encarta). 

As the bride of Christ, we have just entered into our Promised Land, escaping that which was behind us. We are now able to achieve God’s purpose forward in submission to Him.

Jesus has opened the door. 

But not all opportunities are of God. 

We must be led by Holy Spirit and carefully obey as Joshua did in his Promised Land.

In Philippians 3:13 TPT Paul shares wise strategy, by saying, "I don’t depend on my own strength to accomplish this; however, I do have one compelling focus: I forget all of the past, as I fasten my heart to the future instead."

Friends, it’s time to lay down what God is finished with in former seasons. Let it go and fiercely focus on Him and what’s before us.  

It’s time to step into more of our God-given manifest inheritance.

2 Samuel 22:2 AMPC reveals a three-phase strategy that King David walked through on his way to his coronation. It says, "…The Lord is my Rock [of escape from Saul] and my Fortress [in the wilderness] and my Deliverer; [1 Samuel 23:14-28.]"

This is also the process that the Israelites walked through from Egypt (Saul), through the Desert (Wilderness) and into their Promised Land (Delivered).)

It’s the same three-phase process of enthronement that we walk through along our journey to greater power and authority to rule and reign with God on earth as it is in Heaven.

The Lord has brought us through the first two phases, which was about coming to know Him as:

  1. Our escape from Saul (salvation).
  2. Our fortress in the wilderness (sanctification).

And now that we have entered into the third and final phase with The Lord, He is revealing Himself to us as:

  1. Our deliverer (into and through our Promised Land), which is the fulfillment stage of promise for our inheritance-reward and much fruit (harvest).

With every step forward in this Promised Land, God will honor us as we honor Him to establish His reign on the earth by His Spirit. He will enable us to rule with Him in greater authority to impact nations. While evil self-destructs by its own sword, like Saul.

Just like King David stepped into his Kingdom inheritance of rulership, we, too, will receive promises fulfilled for Kingdom impact when we stay the course and obey God (Jo 1:7).

We will need a constant flow of living water from the Word and Spirit of God, to sustain our position of enthronement here on earth (Re 22:1).

As God’s sons and daughters, we are to remain in the Vine, guard our hearts and be led by Holy Spirit for fruit production in this new season (Re 22:2).

We need to sync with God’s vision as He continues to open up the doorways to new life. 

We can acknowledge God as David did and thank Him as Daniel did when he saw and heard from The Lord.

Daniel 2:20-23 says:

Praise be to the name of God for ever and ever; wisdom and power are his. He changes times and seasons; he deposes kings and raises up others. He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to the discerning. He reveals deep and hidden things; he knows what lies in darkness, and light dwells with him. I thank and praise you, God of my ancestors: You have given me wisdom and power, you have made known to me what we asked of you, you have made known to us the dream of the king.

As we worship God and follow His lead, we can declare Psalm 24:7 TPT, which says, "So wake up, you living gateways! Lift up your heads, you ageless doors of destiny! Welcome the King of Glory, for he is about to come through you."

As we progress in this new cycle of the transfer of power and authority to God’s sons and daughters, we will witness God unseat evil and deliver territory from darkness to light for Kingdom impact (Is 22:19-22). 

God will grow His Kingdom, and we get to participate. 

Just as He did for King David and Daniel and Joshua, God will show us the way and protect us.

He will reveal His vision to us and give us strategy as we go with His Presence. 

As we remain in Him and continue to trust Him along this exciting journey, we will taste and see that He is good in all things. We will have eyes to see and ears to hear. 

So, my questions to you are:

  1. Have you had a Saul in your past that chased you closer to God (deeper, higher)?
  2. Have you found yourself in a wilderness (intimacy) season that prepped you for greater promises forward?
  3. Are you ready to experience your deliverance into those greater promises as your destiny continues to be revealed to you?

If your answers are “yes,” then you are well on your way to greater dominion His way. 

To God be the glory. 

Margaret D. Mitchell is the Founder of God's Love at Work, a marketplace outreach purposed to share God's greatest power source - the love of Christ.

Originally published Monday, 29 June 2020.