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Reflections of Life - God's Love at Work - Week of November 12

Reflections of Life

By Margaret D. Mitchell
Week of November 12, 2023

Have you noticed that God is drawing your focus more toward Him in peace as your season continues to change?

A couple of weeks ago, I looked at a clear autumn day through a newly-stalled window, with a large cup of coffee in hand. A flurry of golden-brown leaves fell from a tall tree out front and I felt such joy in the air. 

Our neighbors across the street were on their third day of moving out into their new beginning. And the neighbor next to them came strolling out of her driveway, dressed in skinny athletic ware, with her white dog bouncing at her side.

God is good to place signs of our futures ever before us. 

He’s also good to clean up what's behind, as though it never were.

Behind me was a neighbor’s cleaned-up backyard. The debris that once lined our fence line for years is gone. God brought breakthrough when very recently, someone else joined me in prayer. 

Have you noticed beauty happening all around you? Have you looked before and aft? Have you been contending, knowing that specific promises in your life will to come to pass, while moving forward with your eyes wide open?

You may have waited a long time, like me, to see some big shifts, but God is always working; and many have simply had to wait out their time, like Jesus, all the while doing ministry with Him in grace by faith. 

If this is you, take courage, because Holy Spirit has been revealing to me that there’s a sudden, serendipitous bloom about to occur. A fragrant one that will burst forth literally overnight. It may seem out of season, but it’s right on time. 

Where many have been growing and pressing and rising in their beliefs and tasks, over what has felt like a never-ending span, they will experience a crescendo shift, where momentum will take hold and catapult them into greater outward light. 

Look around. God has already increased your help through each day for right now and where He’s leading you. And He has brought a close to some things past. But this isn’t the last of it. 

Although you’ve seen new beginnings in small ways, there are mega and life-changing blessings to come; and they will happen in a string, one after the other. Deep in your heart, you know what God has placed there. And like Mary, you’ve treasured them over time.

For me, personally, God revealed what these mega shifts were nearly 20 years ago. 

He’s good to strengthen us in Him like this, to prepare us along the way and bring us into outward support systems in advance; because He knows we'll need them. 

There’s so much ahead that’s beautiful, lovely, from our Lord. Still we must remember to remain committed to Him throughout the process, even toward the end of some things, all the way into His best blessings for our lives. 

We must never forget that we'll always need Him. Never are we, as His bride, His child, allowed to be self-reliant, only God-dependent if we’re to walk in His grace of higher blessing.

As we enter into this Jubilee year, I’m reminded of Ruth and how her story is reminiscent of God's Jubilee for us. I see it in her sudden repentance and her rapid increase (30- 60- 100-fold) during a springtime barley harvest. I see it in her mentorship of wise Naomi walking beside her all the way. And I see the joy of Jubilee play out in her shift from limitation to freedom that she likely never knew before. 

Ruth was accepted into her new land, her new role, her new family. She was committed, presented and married. She even birthed an heir to return a blessing forward to her beloved sage, Naomi. 

Oh, what a family. 

God is working day and night to bring each of us into His betterment. In unfurling His goodness, He never sleeps or slumbers, because He loves us too much to leave us where we are and where we've been. 

He’ll help us walk more into our identity in Him and into the blessings of the family of Abraham that He promised to us long ago. 

Do you see it? Can you feel Him drawing you near?

Look around and ask Holy Spirit to open your eyes and ears to more of His goodness and enable you to receive His full measure and ways for you. Then just believe and go with Him. He’ll never leave or forsake you. His love for you is everlasting. 

This is His promise to you that you can stand on throughout your journey with Him. 

To God be the glory.

Margaret D. Mitchell is the Founder of God's Love at Work, a marketplace outreach purposed to share God's greatest power source - the love of Christ.

Originally published Sunday, 12 November 2023.