A Life Marked by Faithfulness
By Rachael Adams
“Without faith it is impossible to please God.” - Hebrews 11:6a NIV
Our church calls her Mammaw. While she isn’t officially family by blood, she has captured the hearts of the women of the next generation, and therefore she has become a grandmother figure to so many. She is family by the blood of Christ, and she is a pillar of faithful servanthood in our congregation.
Mammaw is in her 90s and has served the Lord in her family, church, and community in quiet, often unseen ways. When our church was planning a ladies’ conference, we wanted to hear from a woman who could speak from experience and one who led by example. Mammaw was the obvious choice. When we asked her if she’d be willing to share her testimony, she wondered why. “What do I have to offer?” she questioned.
I was baffled by her rebuttal. How could she not see herself the way everyone around her saw her? Thankfully, after she prayed about the opportunity, she agreed to share her story. During her session, she remained seated with a microphone in her trembling hand. With grace and humility, she shared how God was faithful to be with her during every season and through every trial. There was no pretense, no presentation, simply an honest reflection of her walk with God over nine decades. As her time drew to a close, she slowly stood and joined my side so I could help her descend the stage stairs. Our eyes were down as we linked arms. When I lifted my eyes, I saw every woman in attendance had risen to her feet. Wanting Mammaw to see it too, I paused and whispered in her ear, “Look up. You’re receiving a standing ovation.” With tears in her eyes and a smile on her face, we walked back to her seat.
I’ll never forget that moment with her, and I pray she never forgets it, either. She may not be known by the world, but she is admired and adored by those who do know her. She is an inspiration to those around her to live a life marked by faithfulness, even in the small, unseen, often uncelebrated things. When I reflect on Mammaw’s life, I want my life to be marked by faithfulness, too—faithfulness to God every day in big and small ways. I imagine you do as well. So, how do we remain faithful throughout the entirety of our lives?
Hebrews 11 provides insight for us. This chapter is often called the Faith Hall of Fame because it celebrates the lives of those who were commended for their faith. Once, as I read through this chapter, I underlined every action word that was associated with a person’s faith. By faith, Abel offered, Enoch was taken, Noah built, Abraham obeyed and went, Isaac and Jacob blessed, Moses persevered, and Joshua marched. Others conquered, administered, shut, quenched, escaped, welcomed, and faced. They were commended for their faith in action. Yes, we are saved by faith alone, but I’m convinced that if we settle for mere acknowledgment of God’s existence, we are living an incomplete faith. Our faith grows and is made complete by what we do.
Even though I want complete faith, it’s easier said than done. If you're anything like me, I feel a bit overwhelmed by the Hebrews 11 list of faith in action. I can’t shut the mouth of a lion or quench the fury of flames! Thankfully, even though faith is made complete by our actions, ultimately, it isn’t about us—it is about God, and He is faithful. We can be certain God is Who He says He is and will do what He says He will do. God is powerful enough to do the things we can’t and we have His Spirit working in and through us. In fact, something else I noticed in Hebrews 11 is that those listed in the Faith Hall of Fame are people whose weaknesses turned into strengths. Now that sounds like something I can surely relate to! Since we have the Holy Spirit dwelling inside of us, we can act in faith no matter how weak we feel. We can offer all we are to Him in faith and believe that it’s enough. It may be as simple as by faith, we cooked, cleaned, taught, moved, wrote, hosted, walked, or prayed.
The key is to be faithful in the doing. Just as our spiritual forefathers and foremothers didn’t always experience what was promised this side of heaven, we may not either. Even if we don’t see the result of our faith in action, we can trust God has something better planned when we are all together one day (Hebrews 11:40). On that day, I pray we, too, are commended for our faith. What will you do by faith today? May we all finish well, encouraging each other every step of the way, knowing there is a great crowd of witnesses cheering us on (Hebrews 12:1). Who knows, we may even receive a standing ovation.
Father, forgive me for my unfaithfulness. I praise you for your faithfulness and for your Spirit inside of me that enables me to live faithfully for you. Amen.
Photo Credit: ©GettyImages/kieferpix
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Originally published Sunday, 16 July 2023.