Walking in Godly Confidence - iBelieve Truth: A Devotional for Women - August 12

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Walking in Godly Confidence
By: Victoria Riollano

I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place, when I was woven together in the depths of the earth. – Psalm 139:14-15

Years ago, my family was invited to the Presidential Inauguration Concert in Washington DC. The celebrities in attendance were all “A-list,” and it was clear we had some of the best seats in the town. As I watched the crowds dance and delight over their favorite singers, I must admit those on the stage were not the most impressive. In fact, 45 minutes before the show started, a young woman walked in that captivated the room. Many stopped what they were doing to say hello. It wasn’t her makeup and she was too far away for me to know her personality. It was her confidence. So much so, that years later I’m still wondering who this mystery lady was, who stole the show before the show.

I’ve learned that confidence is a prized possession. Without enough confidence, we are set to live a life afraid to take risks and trapped in the shadows of everyone else. Yet, so many spend their lives without it, and it shows. In my own life, I spent years trying to fake the confidence. From the makeup filters to the pretending done in person to try to fit in, the insecurities affected my life from the inside out. Truthfully, my level of confidence was based on my own abilities and inabilities. In that way, I always came up short.

However, during the years of struggle, the Lord began to show me that my confidence could not come from within myself. I call this Holy Spirit empowerment, “Godfidence.” 

The Lord has shown me that my confidence must come from two things: believing who He is and embracing who He says I am.

First: Believing Who He Is

When we come to believe who God says He is our life has to change.

We serve a God who is omnipotent. He holds all the power. This means that He has the ability to shift any situation in our favor. There’s nothing He cannot do. This gives us confidence because we don’t have to live a life relying on our own strength, His power empowers us to walk boldly.

Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” - Matthew 19:26

All things are possible with God

We serve a God who is omniscient. Nothing surprises God, He knows everything. The same God who put the stars in the sky knew us before we even took a breath. He planned out our days and took note to make us each with a special purpose (Psalm 139:14-15). When we know this, we can be assured that He has a plan for our lives. We don’t have to spend a life trying to be like anyone else, we are enough.

We serve a God who is omnipresent. He doesn’t operate in our time or dimension. He can be in all places at all times. He is limitless. He is infinite. If we truly believe God can be in all places at all times, we can go into every situation aware that He’s already gone ahead us. He is already setting an atmosphere for us to walk in favor and victory. When we accept this, we can walk into any room with our head held high because God is in the building. 

Second: Embracing Who He Says We Are

From childhood, we hear so many opinions of who we are. Our parents, the bullies at school, and the indirect media messages shape our identity. Unfortunately, by the time we realize who God is, we are so depleted and defeated its nearly impossible to accept His truth for us. However, this is one of the biggest tricks of the enemy. He knows if He can keep us from believing who God says we are, we will never walk in our true identity. Yet, here’s the truth.

You are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light. - 1 Peter 2:9

This verse alone summarizes who God says you are. Chosen. A prize possession. Worth dying for. His favorite. It is within these words that we find our confidence. His words over us become the foundation for how we operate and move in this world. When we learn to do so, we will be captivating when we walk into the room. The “Godfidence” on us will radiate from within.

Today, I encourage you to know who you are in Him and walk with your held high into every situation. You no longer have to pretend, you are enough. He is enough.

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Victoria Riollano is an author, blogger, and speaker. As a mother of six, military spouse, Psychology professor and minister’s wife, Victoria has learned the art of balancing family and accomplishing God’s ultimate purpose for her life. Recently, Victoria released her book, The Victory Walk: A 21 Day Devotional on Living A Victorious Life. Her ultimate desire is to empower women to live a life of victory, hope, and love. She believes that with Christ we can live a life that is ALWAYS winning. You can learn more about her ministry at victoryspeaks.org.

Related Resource: Jesus Calling - Stories of Faith

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Originally published Friday, 12 August 2022.