Jesus for Every Generation
By Emma Danzey
Psalm 78:4 “We will not hide them from their children, telling to the generation to come the praises of the Lord, And His strength and His wonderful works that He has done.”
As I held my newborn son in my arms I contemplated the great joy over my investment into the future generation. This excitement was coupled with the weight of responsibility in teaching and training him as much as I would be able to about Jesus and His Word. Someone Whom I held so dear for years before this child would now be my responsibility to share with my son. Who will tell my boy about Jesus? His father and I will every day by the help of His Spirit. We will fall short every day too. He will see our sinful decisions and hear our sin-filled words, but the grace of God is with us in this journey of parenting.
Maybe you are not a biological parent? However, each one of us is called to be listening and learning from the wisdom of older believers from previous generations as well as investing in the spiritual growth of the next generations to come. Psalm 78:4 reminds us that we are not going to hide the message of God (See Psalm 78:1-3) from the next generation.
As someone who has been involved in youth ministry, college ministry, and children’s ministry at various times in adulthood, young people are looking for truth. There is this beautiful fact that when a baby is born he or she is looking for someone who is looking for them. 1 Timothy 2:3-4 says, “This is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, who wants all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.”
Being someone who works with college students, I have witnessed the enemy working in Gen-Z. Part of it is the negative effects of previous generations' spiritual decisions. We can easily pick fun or harp on Gen-Z’s inabilities, but it is valuable to own up to how we ourselves have contributed to the mess that is occurring now. The answer is Jesus. The answer has always been Jesus. Where one generation is looking for fulfillment in one area this generation is looking for it in another, but the person they are looking for is Someone who is looking for them. We know as believers that is Jesus. His Spirit is pursuing them and desires that all would be saved.
I have been convicted that I have a role and responsibility in my son’s life and in the next generation to show them the gospel. Just like the doctor gave our son to us in the hospital and showed our boy who he was looking for, we need to reveal that Jesus is the One the next generations are seeking. He is the Way.
In my own life, it is the older women and men who cared for me to tell me about Christ. They discipled me on my journey of faith. Those who mentored me were actually 10, 20, and 30 years older than me. This made such an impact in my walk with the Lord. The enemy wants to disconnect us from one another when in actuality we are all the same. We are all fallen humans who need a Savior. When I witness to my son, mentor a college girl, or learn from an older friend myself, is when I realize that Christ is pursuing the generations. We are invited into this mission.
Sometimes I can buy into the lies that I am not “cool enough” anymore to reach this next group of young people or not “far enough along” due to my own personal struggles in life, however, this is a lie from Satan. Christ is working and His Spirit enables us to invest in those around us. He is inviting you today. Who has He intentionally placed in your life from a different generation? How can you be a blessing to them today? How can you pray? How can you serve? How can you show Jesus is the answer to them?
Lord over every generation. Thank You for revealing yourself continuously all the time. Thank You for creating us and including us in this plan to tell of Your redemptive work on the cross and in Your resurrection. We pray that You would be glorified in our generation and the generations to come. We ask that Your name would be made known in our homes, schools, churches, and communities. Help us to share unashamedly that You are the one we are all looking for and You have proven yourself faithful to all. We praise You for who You are and for the great things you have accomplished. Help us to proclaim them unashamedly to those younger than us. Amen.
Photo Credit: ©GettyImages/LuckyBusiness
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Originally published Wednesday, 16 August 2023.