Store Treasures in Heaven - iBelieve Truth: A Devotional for Women - March 11, 2025

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“Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal.” Matthew 6:19-20

Growing up, I was a hoarder. Stockpiling clothes and possessions, I hated to throw anything away. I felt great dread whenever my mother asked me to clean my room. It was like I was grieving a loss. I loved having the most popular toys. I hung on to every Smurf, Strawberry Shortcake doll, and piece of New Kids on the Block memorabilia. I often attached sentimental value to them.

I carried this belief into my older years as a born-again Christian. After I got married, we began our pastoral ministry. We moved six times and pastored five churches over 25 years. Our first move required us to drive 40 hours to Alberta, Canada, to start our journey together. We lived in a tiny apartment on a college campus. Once my husband began pastoring his first church, we moved to a parsonage. We moved back to Connecticut three years later and lived in several apartments. Throughout this time, I had to learn to consolidate and conserve. 

This required me to throw out a lot of my belongings. Each time God moved me, I had to consider what was necessary. There was no place to store all my extra possessions. Each time I threw out more possessions, I realized I only held on to the most important things. Although God has blessed me with many things over the years, he wants me to make him the most essential thing in my life. Therefore, he may also take away what he gives at any time.

Just as I had to learn to keep only what was most important, the above verse tells us to measure what is truly important. Although the world tells us that a new car, a gorgeous home, and the latest clothing trends will make us happy, this verse reminds us that our real treasures are stored in heaven. I'm convinced that my mansion in heaven will be filled with rooms full of possessions that I had to get rid of for God. Because God is a God of redemption, I believe he will restore the things I let go of to follow him. 

The disciples had to give up a lot to follow him, too. When Jesus called Peter and Andrew to follow him, they immediately dropped their nets. This one action is a massive symbol of their love and devotion to Jesus, a man they had just met. During that time, Peter was known as a fisherman. More than likely, he learned this from his father. It would have been expected that he would follow in his father's family business. 

This would have afforded him great luxury and comfort throughout his life. Because he had excellent skills in fishing, he would have been set for life. However, his gesture to drop the net and follow Jesus without knowing where they were headed demonstrated Peter and Andrew’s great devotion to God. 

What may God be calling you to give up? Are you storing up treasures here on earth, too, or are you storing real treasures in heaven? Do you make possessions the center of your life, or do you make Jesus the center? No one can follow both things at the same time. Jesus wants us to follow him wholeheartedly. He doesn't want possessions, accomplishments, or popularity to stand in the way of what he wants to do in our lives. 

But we must be ready. You must carry as little as possible with you so possessions won't hinder your spiritual journey. We must be ready to say yes when Jesus calls us to follow him. We get prepared by minimalizing our treasures here on earth and trusting that we will uncover our most remarkable treasures in heaven. 

Let's pray:
Father, help us not to find our treasures here on earth but to store them in heaven. Let us follow you wholeheartedly in whatever journey you have for us. Help us let go of everything that hinders us and run our race with minimal distractions. Amen. 

Photo Credit: ©iStock/Getty Images Plus/fergregory

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Originally published Tuesday, 11 March 2025.