“Write down the revelation and make it plain on tablets so that a herald may run with it.” Habakkuk 2:2
“Write a book.”
I began my writing journey with a calling in 2009. I was on a woman's retreat, and there was some free time. I got into my car and started listening to music. During this time of music, I worshipped the Lord. Suddenly, I felt in my spirit that I was supposed to write a book. I’d categorize it as an impression on my heart. I'd never written anything before this. I'd written some poems in high school and wrote for the high school yearbook, but that was it. I loved books and reading as a kid, but I never saw myself as someone who would ever write a book.
The first thing I did was tell my husband about it. The two of us prayed, and I asked God to confirm whether that was a calling he had placed on my life.
The second was I studied Scripture. I figured his Word would be the first place he could confirm his calling to me. As I read through Scripture in the Book of John, I was floored by how many times the Apostle John called himself “the disciple Jesus loved.” I thought there must be hundreds of books on this subject, and there were none. Beth Moore had just finished her book The Disciple Whom Jesus Loved, but nothing existed before it.
I read through Scripture, consulted commentaries, and did my research. As I read through the concept, prayed, and studied, I concluded that John called himself this because he believed he was Jesus' favorite. He had such an intimate relationship with Jesus that he believed Jesus loved him the best. In the same way, we all could have that same level of intimacy with Jesus because that's what he desires for us.
Because of my one step of obedience in writing about this concept, I have had an incredible career in the publishing industry. My first book was self-published in 2011. This April, I celebrate 15 years as a writer.
The above verse reminds us that writing down God's revelations can change our life trajectory. As I began to write down the revelations I received from studying the Book of John, it led to my first book. This led me to a career I had never thought of for myself. God was asking me to take a step of obedience, follow him, and write down the revelations I received from him.
In the Old Testament, word of mouth and writings left on parchments were all people had. That was their primary mode of communication. It is one thing to state something to someone. It is quite another to write it down.
We use a different part of our brain to write than speak. By writing things down, we understand and can recall important communication. This is why writing down Scripture and memorizing it is so vital. When Jesus was tempted in the desert, all he had were his memories of Scripture to thwart the enemy's attacks.
The more we write down what we hear from the Lord, the closer we get to him. Also, God will reveal his Word to us in ways we never thought possible. But we must take the step of reading the Word and writing it down.
The next time you attend church, get a blank journal. Write down notes as the pastor speaks. Do this for one month, and at the end of the month, read back what you wrote. Do you find yourself more engaged with the content because you're writing it down? Furthermore, do you have a better grasp and understanding of what the pastor was preaching because you took notes?
Statistics show that we recall more when we write things down than when we hear them. Take the time to write down significant revelations you hear from God. During your quiet time, ask God to speak. Write down what you hear. Do this regularly. Make this a part of how you achieve greater intimacy with God. You may be surprised at what you hear.
The more we see God at work, the greater our testimony. The more people testify, the more lives are impacted. Seek not only to read the Word but also to write down what it says. Don't be afraid to tell others as you achieve intimacy with God. Allow others to share this with their circle of influence. In this, the Lord will be blessed.
Let's pray:
Father, let us hear the Word and write it down. As a result of our obedience to write down the revelations we gleaned from Scripture, let us hear from you in new and exciting ways. Let this be part of our testimony, and let our testimonies change people's lives. Amen.
Photo Credit: ©Getty Images/Jacques Julien
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Originally published Friday, 07 March 2025.