February 8
TheFoundation for Faith
“Everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock.”
Matthew 7:24, niv
On what foundation are you building your life?
What feels right?
What works?
What everyone else is doing?
How stable is your foundation? When an unexpected crisis comes, will your life remain firm and steadfast, or will it all collapse?
The foundation of faith in Jesus Christ is one on which you and I can build our lives with confidence, knowing it will last, not only for our lifetimes but for all eternity as well.
As Jesus concluded His Sermon on the Mount, He said, “Everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock. The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against the house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock” (Matt. 7:24–25, niv). So . . . check your foundation!
God’s Story, (Nashville: W Publishing, 1997).
©2012 Anne Graham Lotz. All rights reserved.
What are the secrets to a life of impact? Daniel achieved greatness in the eyes of his contemporaries, in the eyes of history, and most importantly, in the eyes of God. His faith did not waver as he faced his critics, as he served new kings in power, or even as he confronted hungry lions. How can we achieve that kind of faith today? Twenty intentional, key choices made all the difference. Daniel’s choices can be ours, such as:
• The choice to listen
• The choice to forgive
• The choice to pray
Cultivate a life-changing faith when you learn to implement The Daniel Key into your everyday life. Request your copy!
For more from Anne Graham Lotz please visit AnneGrahamLotz.org.
Originally published Saturday, 08 February 2025.