Dealing With Hard Stuff - Wholly Loved - October 18

Dealing With Hard Stuff
 By Christa Cottam

“When you pass through the waters,I will be with you;
and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze.” Isaiah 43:2

The smell was awful! 

My desk is near our kitchen, right where the trash lives. Usually, that’s fine, but on this particular day, the stench was terrible. So, I pushed the garbage a little further away—just far enough so I couldn’t smell it anymore. Then it struck me, how often do we do the same thing in our lives?

Rather than dealing with our problems, we ignore them, push them aside, or create distractions hoping they’ll just go away.

Facing our junk, whatever it might be, can be scary, messy, even painful, but we are never alone. God says that when, not if, we face trouble, He will be with us. He doesn’t just give us advice and say He’ll catch up with us when it’s over. No, He says He will be with us – to protect, guide, give us peace, and cover us in His love.

So, instead of running from your problems today, courageously face them with the assurance that God is at your side, guiding your every step. 

Christa Cottam is a spunky woman with a fire in her belly to tell others about Jesus—how He brought her from being held down by a past filled with shame, guilt and unforgiveness to embrace God’s love and ultimately find freedom to be the person He created her to be. She is passionate about encouraging women to go deeper in their relationship with God. Christa also uses her gifts in the arts and leadership to make kingdom impact at her church, serving as a worship leader and volunteering in women’s ministry.

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Originally published Friday, 18 October 2024.