I’m a Disciple of Christ
By Susan Aken
“A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are My disciples, if you love one another.” John 13:34-35
Resentment built in my heart. At that time, I attended the same church as my older sister. Our congregation met Sunday evening and morning, and twice more throughout the week. In my mind, to be a true disciple meant participating in every religious event. Then my sister stopped coming Sunday nights. I went to every worship service every time the door opened. Why didn’t my sister as well? If I’d been honest, my feeling was, “If I have to be here, so should she.”
I’ve since learned that the true mark of a disciple isn’t how often we attend church or study our Bibles, Jesus said it’s how much we love each other. People don’t care how good we are at keeping rules, but they notice how we love.
That was how others would know we’re His followers and it’s one of the ways we obey Him. I aspire to live this way. But I often fall into selfishness. I can’t love as Christ desires in my own strength but as I follow Him, He teaches me how to love and His love flows through me.
Each day I choose to follow Christ or self. Some days I follow Him closely. Many days I fall into selfishness and live for me. But His love for me never changes. He gently reminds me of who I am and draws me back to my journey as His disciple. I yield to His Spirit and let Him change my desires to match His.
To be a disciple of Christ means I believe in Him and desire to learn how to love like Him. I’m still learning.
How can you follow Christ’s example more freely?
Susan Aken is a homemaker, teacher, writer, and frequent contributor to Wholly Loved Ministries’ projects. She lives in Nebraska but was born and raised in Oklahoma. She and her husband have one son. Her greatest love is for the Lord Jesus Christ who has redeemed her and set her free. Susan enjoys reading, photography, spending time with family and friends, and writing. She has a heart for prayer ministry and loves her church. Visit her online at susanaken53.wordpress.com.
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Originally published Thursday, 20 February 2025.