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I’m an Ambassador for Christ - Wholly Loved - July 22

I’m an Ambassador for Christ

By Susan Aken

“We are therefore Christ’s ambassadors, as though God were making His appeal through us. We implore you on Christ’s behalf: Be reconciled to God.” 2 Corinthians 5:20

It’s easy for me to get caught up in living for myself. With a peaceful home, great job, and fulfilling marriage, I begin expecting comfort and ease. But my higher purpose isn’t to merely enjoy all these marvelous blessings. The New Testament writer, Paul, wrote that believers in Christ Jesus should no longer live for themselves but for Him. (2 Corinthians 5:15). Verse twenty tells us we’re ambassadors for Christ.

An ambassador isn’t meant to serve “self” but to represent the one who sent him. As a believer, I’m a representative for Christ, and I exist to speak for Him. Scripture says that Christ Himself speaks through His followers to the world.

We’re to urge people to become reconciled to God. Our lives are to be lights showing His love to those around us. How I live reflects on the One I represent.

There’s nothing wrong with enjoying the wonderful things God’s given me. He intends for us to appreciate His gifts. But we have a higher calling than living for self and making life comfortable here on earth. As Christ followers, we’re to represent the King of kings and Lord of lords. What more excellent honor could we have?

How will you represent Christ today?

Susan Aken is a homemaker, teacher, writer, and part of the Wholly Loved Ministries team. She lives in Nebraska but was born and raised in Oklahoma. She and her husband have one son. Her greatest love is for the Lord Jesus Christ who has redeemed her and set her free. Susan enjoys reading, photography, spending time with family and friends, and writing. She has a heart for prayer ministry and loves her church. Visit her online at

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Originally published Monday, 22 July 2024.