Stuck in a Hole - Wholly Loved - February 6

Stuck in a Hole

By Susan Aken

“But the father said … ‘Quick! Bring the best robe and put it on him. Put a ring on his finger and sandals on his feet … Let’s have a feast and celebrate. For this son of mine was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found.’” Luke 15:22-24

Our sweet kitty was lost, and we soon realized, in danger!

My husband had been improving our attic when he asked, “Do you know where Sugar is?”

“No,” I replied. Meowing revealed she’d sneaked into the eaves and was now a foot down inside. We couldn’t see or reach her. Pitiful crying filled the air.

Our rescue attempts failed. After an hour, I cried, “She isn’t meowing!” 

Russ mounted the roof and began to saw above where she was trapped. I watched as he cut a hole in our roof and rejoiced when he airlifted her to safety. We cleaned her up and welcomed her with joy. 

What a beautiful picture this is of how God responds when one of His children, His sheep, wanders away.

When we discovered our kitty’s plight, we were concerned not angry. We didn’t yell or punish her. We loved her.

How much more God loves and wants to rescue and be with us!

Jesus illustrated this in the story of the son who abandoned his father and squandered his fortune. When he returned, the father didn’t chastise or discipline him. He welcomed him like a hero.


Because the father loved him and wanted him safely home. 

God’s love for us never changes. He calls us to turn from sin because He knows it causes pain and sorrow. He wants us safe in His arms.

When we get into trouble, He desires to bring us back, not abandon us. He’s searching for us, calling us to seek Him. When we come, He throws His arms around us, cleans us up, and celebrates our restoration.

We all do foolish things. If we’ll cry out to Jesus, He’ll rescue us. 

Are you “stuck” in a hole? Cry out to your Father.

Susan Aken is a homemaker, teacher, writer, and frequent contributor to Wholly Loved Ministries’ projects. She lives in Nebraska but was born and raised in Oklahoma. She and her husband have one son. Her greatest love is for the Lord Jesus Christ who has redeemed her and set her free. Susan enjoys reading, photography, spending time with family and friends, and writing. She has a heart for prayer ministry and loves her church. Visit her online at

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Originally published Thursday, 06 February 2025.