What Wisdom Is Not - Wholly Loved - February 26

What Wisdom is Not
By Tara Johnson

"But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere." James 3:17

Most of us want to make wise choices and are desperate to break the cycle of mistakes and consequences that mark our journey.

So, we buy self-help books and binge watch Dr. Phil. We gobble up relationship advice found in magazines and read blogs about changing our lives. Some will search the world over for wisdom by consulting infamous leaders like Ghandi or the Dali Lama, and it still slips through their fingers like sand.

True wisdom can only come from God.

Many can describe what wisdom is, but it's also helpful to state what it’s not.

First, it isn’t knowledge. We’ve all known someone super-educated. Their multiple degrees could fill a wall, yet their lifestyle, attitude, and choices scream foolishness.

Second, wisdom doesn’t partner with sin. A huge key to unlocking God’s wisdom is to guard our heart. What we see and hear is what goes in. And what goes in is what comes out.

I’m rejecting wisdom when I dwell on unwholesome images, use vulgar language, and watch shows or listen to music full of sexual innuendo. I’m rejecting wisdom when I live to please people instead of God. Every time I'm unteachable, every time I seek my worth in anything other than Christ, I’m pushing wisdom away.

Third, wisdom isn’t automatic. Just because you’ve walked a tough road doesn’t mean you’re wise. True wisdom can only be found by asking God for it, and then pursuing Him day in and day out.

Wisdom isn’t found in the world, but in seeking the heart of God.

Ask Him for wisdom, to open you mind and heart to His truth. May He help you guard your heart so you might know Him more.

Tara Johnson is a contributor to Wholly Loved Ministries’ a speaker, and lover of stories. She travels to churches, ladies retreats and prisons to share how God led her into freedom after spending years living shackled as a people-pleasing preacher's kid. Tara’s debut novel Engraved on the Heart (Tyndale) earned a starred review from Publishers Weekly, as well as numerous other accolades. She has articles published in magazines and has been a featured guest on radio, television and podcasts. Tara is represented by Janet Grant of Books & Such Literary Agency. She, her husband, and children live in Arkansas. Visit her online at: www.TaraJohnsonStories.com.

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Originally published Wednesday, 26 February 2025.