A Prayer for Courage to Invite Your Coworker to Church - Your Daily Prayer - January 31

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A Prayer for Courage to Invite Your Coworker to Church
By Amanda Idleman

Bible Reading: “A Song of Ascents. Of David. I was glad when they said to me, ‘Let us go to the house of the Lord!’” - Psalm 122:1

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In our modern society, the church is the house of the Lord that we read about in the scripture. It’s a place where we find God’s Spirit, encouragement, truth, connection, accountability, and discipleship, and it leads toward joining God’s big family. There really isn't anything quite like God’s house or the church in the world.

The church is designed to be a soft spot in a hectic world. A warm hug at the door after a week filled with endless demands. A soul-softening encounter with the Holy Spirit each weekend to keep you focused and remind you that there is more than what meets the eye to consider as we go about our everyday lives.

We need the church. The Church in our country and across the world is God's often imperfect tool to help us navigate life’s unexpected moments and a place that leads us closer to Jesus. Life without the church is more lonely, and God is often overlooked when we don’t take part in gathering with other believers on a regular basis.

This is why we need to be bold in inviting those we know and work with to church. It’s our privilege to extend a lifeline to those we interact with on a daily basis. They need hope in a world that is on fire.

Our churches should feel like a refuge from the storms of life. They are where we meet the best of the best in our community. Your co-workers need church people in their lives!

We have to remember we aren’t inviting them to jump out of their comfort zone and come to church to step on their toes but to rescue their souls. The church is a place to hear truth and cling to it. It’s what our world needs, and we don’t need to shy away from pointing people towards what is good and true in this world.

Offer up your invitation with grace, confidence, and also with warmth. Not only extend the offer for them to come to church but for them to spend time with you. Invite them over for lunch after or coffee before. Make it relational, that’s how they will best experience God’s love.

Be genuine as you share your community with others. Don’t hold back what you love about your people, the bible, your God, and the truth. Who wants to join a movement that you seem lukewarm about? Our passion is contagious. Show your love for them as you express your enthusiasm for God’s people and his gathering place. Let them see that the love you know is real!

Keep asking. Don’t be obnoxious but be sincere in offering the lifeline to your community. It may not stick the first time but keep the invitation open. Who knows, maybe the fourth or fifth time they will give in and give it a try. Once they come, just pray and trust God to meet them right where they are so they can meet him. It’s the Spirit’s job to reveal the truth, it’s just your job to extend the invitation.

Let’s Pray:

Father, would you open up more chances for me to share about my faith with my coworkers. Help me to be sincere in my representation of my faith and not shy away from who you have called me to be. Soften the hearts of those around me who need you. Show them your ways! Give me the boldness to invite my coworker into my church and the grace to love them well no matter their response. Let my life be a testimony and my church be a lamp to this dark world. Open the doors of the hearts of the lost so they can find salvation. Amen.

Photo Credit: GettyImages/Prostock-Studio

Amanda Idleman is a writer whose passion is to encourage others to live joyfully. She writes devotions for My Daily Bible Verse Devotional and Podcast, Crosswalk Couples Devotional, the Daily Devotional App, she has work published with Her View from Home, on the MOPS Blog, and is a regular contributor for Crosswalk.com. She has most recently published a devotional, Comfort: A 30 Day Devotional Exploring God's Heart of Love for Mommas. You can find out more about Amanda on her Facebook Page or follow her on Instagram.

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Originally published Friday, 31 January 2025.