A Prayer for God to Move in My Life - Your Daily Prayer - September 5

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A Prayer for God to Move in My Life
By Tiffany Thibault

"But you, oh Lord, are a shield about me, my glory, and the lifter of my head. I cried aloud to the Lord, and He answered me from His holy hill."  Psalm 3:3-4

Our society loves to give labels to people. Those labels tell us who that person is, while also indicating what that person believes and even how they will act. God is not exempt from those labels. God has been labeled as love, distant, fearful and generous to name a few. These labels of God are all based on our understanding of Him, our experience with Him and our perception of Him based on who or what has influenced us.

What is amazing about the Bible is that sometimes a verse will clearly tell us who God is and how He acts in our lives. We see these labels for God and it absolutely influences our understanding of who God is. This verse does exactly that. It tells us four things that the Lord does in our lives. He is a shield about me. He is my glory. He is the lifter of my head. He answers me.

God is a shield about me. No matter what we are going through, the Lord is on His holy hill. He knows and sees our hearts, hopes, and dreams. He sees those around us who intend harm, who are trying to destroy our hope, focus, and dreams. He protects us from the arrows, those hurtful words, and actions of our enemy. Those arrows will not destroy us. God’s shield surrounds us. 

He is my glory. The favor and applause of man is inconsistent and temporary. Placing our hope in man’s approval is volatile and without any guarantees, instead we can hold our heads high, knowing that we belong to God. He is the one we can find our significance in. In Him we can find the acceptance, the praise and the recognition that we need. 

He is the lifter of my head. God will move in every situation of our lives. God will move against our enemies. He will not let us drown in shame, discouragement, depression or hopelessness. He will be with us as we move away from the sadness and discouragement that our enemies cause us. He will rescue us from all the traps that our enemies are trying to set. He lifts our head to a life of peace, joy and hope. He will give us the victory.

He hears my prayers. This verse leaves us with such an amazing promise in its last words: I cried aloud to the Lord and He answered me. Our cries for help, our cries for deliverance, and every time we cry out to the Lord, He hears our prayers. Every prayer. He does not turn a deaf ear to our cries for help, healing, provision, wisdom or love. He hears every single prayer you offer. Not only does He hear, but He will answer each prayer in His perfect way and His perfect timing. 

These things that God is doing in your life are absolutely amazing. The more you turn your eyes to Him, the more you will begin to see Him protecting you and answering your prayers. Today can you cry out to Him for all the things you are going through, and wait and see how He will answer your prayer? He can be trusted to be your shield, your glory, the lifter of your head and to answer your prayers. 

Psalm 3:4, inspirational image

Let’s pray:

Dear Lord,
Hear my cry! Protect me! Shield me from the arrows that my enemies send my way, rescue me from this struggle I am going through, deliver me from this sadness at the things in my life that break my heart. Hear my prayer. Answer my prayer. Be the lifter of my head. May my life reflect your love, joy and peace that all those around me see how great you are!

Photo credit: ©SalemDesign/BethanyPyle

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Originally published Tuesday, 05 September 2023.