A Prayer for Moms Who Struggle with Their Temper - Your Daily Prayer - February 25

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A Prayer for Moms Who Struggle with Their Temper
By: Malinda Fuller

“Refrain from anger and turn from wrath; do not fret—it leads only to evil. For those who are evil will be destroyed, but those who hope in the LORD will inherit the land.” (Psalm 37:8-9)

To the mom who just put herself in “time out” before 9 o’clock in the morning, and is sitting in a locked bathroom with her phone, you’re not alone.

To the mom who cried herself to sleep last night, and the night before, and the night before that with promises of “I'll do better tomorrow” and pains of regret, you’re not the only one.

To the mom who grew up with an abusive mom or a negligent mom and vowed that you would “do it better,” but feels like you’re on the same hamster wheel, know that all hope is not lost.

You’re not the only one who has snapped a sharp remark and before you noticed the tears in your daughter's eyes, you knew it that is was rude and hurtful.

Your struggle with anger, taming your tongue, and controlling your temper are not new battles for moms.

Unfortunately, shame has a tendency of moving in the day the newborn comes home. It stalks with whispers that lazy reactions equal a lousy mom, or that poor choices are the result of a pathetic mother. If these thoughts have gone from whispers to shouts of blame and torment, please take a breath, close your eyes and whisper this one name: Jesus.

For He came that you would never be alone. Not even in your darkest moments when the questions, anxiety and rage threaten to consume you. Even when it feels like nothing can penetrate the cycle of guilt and shame—He can.

He can reach into that moment, that day, and that situation, and bring peace and clarity. He can overwhelm your heart with love, kindness, and creative ideas for the struggles that you’re facing. He can speak life to the circumstances where there seems to be only death, and His grace can be enough to hold you through whatever trial you are enduring right now.

And here’s the best part: not only can He. He will. It is His promise to you today and your hope for tomorrow.

He is there to catch every tear that falls, hear every prayer you whisper, and hold every question that leaves you tossing in the night. He promises to cover you, shield you, protect you—to supply you with strength, love, and peace.

Jesus says He will never leave. No matter what you do. No matter how many times you mess up, cry out for help, and need His forgiveness. He gives it generously. He is not stingy. His grace is like His love: endlessly abundant.

So, the next time you are hiding upstairs in your room with toddlers screaming in the next room—or a defiant child locked in theirs—take a breath, speak His name, and remember that He is with you.

Please pray with me:

Father, give me eyes to see you and ears to hear you in the midst of my day. When challenges arise, give me the ability to step out of my emotions to deal with the situation in the best way. And when I make mistakes, give me the courage to ask others for forgiveness, and even more, to forgive myself. Remind me of your promises, of the fact that when you look at my beautiful and unique child, made in your image, it's the same way you look at me—with a Father's love. Amen.

Editor’s Note: Content taken from “When You Think You’re the Only Mom Who Struggles with Temper” by Malinda Fuller. You can read that piece in full here. All rights reserved.

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Originally published Tuesday, 25 February 2020.