A Prayer for Navigating Financial Struggles with Faith
By Victoria Riollano
Bible Reading
“I was young and now I am old, yet I have never seen the righteous forsaken or their children begging bread.” - Psalm 37:25 NIV
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I always grew up hearing people talk about the lucky number thirteen. As one who is not superstitious, specific numbers never meant much to me. However, years ago, when I woke up to exactly $13.00 in my checking account, I knew this number would be one I would never forget, but it certainly didn’t feel “lucky.” Apparently, I had paid several major bills late one night in the midst of exhaustion. By the morning, I had completely forgotten that I had submitted the payments the evening before. In my quest to quickly pay the bills, I submitted thousands of dollars of bills again. It wasn’t until days later that this simple mistake came to light as multiple transactions came through on my account. By the time I realized this, it was too late to reverse the charges, and we would have to suffer the consequences of my careless error. My family suddenly was in a financial crisis as we awaited our next paycheck, which would be a week later. Things like purchasing diapers, running to a fast-food place after church, or getting gas would be practically impossible. But I sought the Lord, and he answered.
During this time, I prayed that the Lord would show up with unexpected resources to help carry us during this time. Interestingly, there were no specific gifts that showed up at my door. There were no surprise checks in the mail. Somehow, the Lord sustained my family with less than a twenty-dollar bill for a week. The gas never ran out, our food never ran out, and everyone had everything that they needed to sustain.
I am reminded of the story of Jesus feeding the multitude. In Matthew 5:14, we find the story of Jesus recognizing that over 5,000 people who he had taught during the day were hungry. His disciples questioned how they would feed this vast amount of people, imploring Jesus to send them away into the villages to eat. However, Jesus took the five loaves of bread and two fish, blessed them and proceeded to pass them out and a miracle happens!
Matthew 5:20-21 states, “They all ate and were satisfied, and the disciples picked up twelve basketfuls of broken pieces that were left over. The number of those who ate was about five thousand men, besides women and children.”
Rather than praying for more money and food or sending the people away hungry, God took the little that they had and made it more than enough. This miracle of feeding over five thousand people with such a small amount is a reminder that God will care for us. As the Bible says in Matthew 6:26-27, “ Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?” Yes, if the Lord takes care of the birds of the sky, and the plants of the garden, how much more can He supply our needs?
My prayer today is that you will trust God even in the midst of financial strain. In my own life, financial worries often cause me to make reckless, quick decisions, borrow more than I can repay, and create a cycle of more irritation. May we be reminded that God can provide all that we need and that we can trust Him, even in our finances.
Let’s Pray:
Lord, I thank you for being a provider. You take care of us in ways that are seen and unseen. Lord, I ask that you help to settle my heart when times of financial strain occur. Teach me how to trust you and lean not unto my own understanding. Show me to release anxiety and walk in faith. Lord, I thank you for the words of the Bible that remind me that you take care of your creation. Help me to remember that you will provide all that I need. Help me to seek you more when I need help and not make panic decisions that I may regret later. Teach me to be led by your Spirit in all things and not by fear. God, I pray that your supernatural provision will rest on my home that my family will never need or want for anything. I pray that my home will be blessed to the extent that I can bless others extravagantly. Help me to be a faithful steward of the finances you have given me. In Jesus’ name, amen.
Photo credit: ©GettyImages/fizkes
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Originally published Tuesday, 22 October 2024.