A Prayer to Embrace Community When it's Tempting to Isolate - Your Daily Prayer - February 4

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A Prayer to Embrace Community When It's Tempting to Isolate
By: Emma Danzey

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Bible Reading: “For just as each of us has one body with many members, and these members do not all have the same function, so in Christ we, though many, form one body, and each member belongs to all the others.” - Romans 12:4-5

When thinking about all of the different body parts that we have been given and their incredible functions to support our bodies as a whole, we truly are amazing creations of God. There is so much complexity just within a single cell. Our hands allow us to touch and express ourselves, our eyes open our world to see around us, and our ears give us the gift of hearing the sounds around us. There are so many small details of our bodies that go unnoticed regularly. We forget to be in awe of the Lord every day. When He finished creating us, He called us very good. (Genesis 1:31)

As we ponder Romans 12 and the purpose of the body of Christ, we are reminded that we are not our own. We each have gifts and personalities that are valuable to the entire body of believers. When we isolate or steer clear of the local church or Christian community, we miss out terribly on the blessing and the purpose of God’s greater plan for His people. There are many people who are believers in the Bride of Christ. However, we do not all have the same functions, just like our hands cannot be our stomachs, and our eyes cannot be our feet. Romans 12:5 emphasizes that we belong to each other.

Have you ever broken or fractured a bone? It’s very painful and that body part no longer functions in the same way. In college, I broke my middle finger trying to stop a football from hitting someone at a tailgate. Such a small body part seemed insignificant, however I quickly learned that I missed out on the use of that finger and it effected daily life from putting in my contacts, to writing in school, to simple moment like opening doors. If you are believing the lie that you are not needed or wanted in the church community, I want to encourage you that you are and we are commanded by Christ to embrace community when it’s tempting to isolate.

Let's Pray:

Dear Creator of All Things,

Thank You for designing us to have unique roles in your ministry to the world. Thank you for Your love and kindness to tenderly wait for us when we have made decisions to stay away or be disengaged with Your bride. Help us to fight back by the power of Your Holy Spirit and with Your Word to engage and embrace community, even when we are tempted to isolate. Help us not choose what seems easier in the moment for what is better in the long run. You gave us the gift of being in fellowship with other believers to spur each other on, bear each other's burdens, and run this race of faith together. Reminds us that we are not an island.

Thank You for modeling perfect unity within the Trinity. Thank You for setting the example to be surrounded by other believers with Your disciples on this earth. We know that You valued people from all kinds of backgrounds, you valued and called men, women, children, the sick, the poor, the rich, those with crooked pasts. You made a way and a space for them at Your table. Would you soften our own hearts where they have become hardened towards the community? Do a new thing within us. Help us to see You clearly leading us in friendships and service to the local church.

God, thank You for creating diverse people with varied skills. We are amazed at Your work and in wonder of who You are and what You are doing. Get us stirred and excited to be more involved in Your kingdom work alongside other believers. Where we have apathy, laziness, bitterness, or unforgiveness, set us free to be fully engaged and zealous for You with those You have placed around us where we live. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Photo Credit: © Getty Images/tommaso79

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Originally published Tuesday, 04 February 2025.