A Prayer to Seek God’s Presence on Difficult Days
By: Kristine Brown
“Seek the Lord and his strength; seek his presence continually!” (Psalm 105:4 ESV)
I stood just outside the automatic doors of the hospital, breathing in the fresh air and staring at the fountain centered in the courtyard. Earbuds in place, I held my phone and tapped the preselected worship songs I’d chosen for this day. The music, the fountain, and the gentle breeze helped me sense God’s presence while I waited for my loved one to have surgery at that very moment.
In the most difficult times of my life, seeking the Lord’s presence keeps me focused on Him instead of worrying about what’s to come. If I let my mind get carried away with worry, I struggle to feel God near me. But when I take the time to tune in to His goodness, I have an awareness that God is there. His presence calms my heart and reassures me that He is working on my behalf.
Psalm 105 opens with a call to praise, encouraging God’s people to: give thanks, sing to the Lord, rejoice, and seek His presence. Verse 4 proclaims, “Seek the Lord and his strength; seek his presence continually!” And when we do that, something miraculous happens.
Jeremiah 29:13 says, “You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all your heart.” God revealed this amazing promise through the prophet Jeremiah— when we seek the Lord, we will find Him. What a sweet promise that is!
Staying aware of God’s presence continually as I waited at the hospital that day not only helped me through the waiting, it also filled me with comforting peace. I could rest knowing God was not just present with me, but with my loved one in the hospital, as well.
Do you need to feel enveloped in God’s presence today? Let’s pray together and seek Him, even if we’re facing a difficult day ahead. We can tune into the wonders of His presence and see what a difference it makes. God is with us.
Let’s pray.
Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank you for being with me right now. I seek your presence, Lord. You are welcome here with me. Help me to sense that you are near as I praise you for who you are.
Your presence changes everything. It brings peace, strength, and comfort in my darkest times. Your Word also tells me that “in your presence there is fullness of joy.” (Psalm 16:11) I long for the kind of abundant life that I will only experience when I choose to seek you continually.
Thank you for promising to be with me always as I focus on you. God, whatever you have planned for my day, I will face it knowing you are right beside me. Help me to feel your gentle arms surrounding me. I know you are here, loving me, comforting me, and giving me strength. Thank you for the gift of your presence.
In Jesus’ Name I pray, Amen.
For more spiritual growth resources, check out this free digital download from today’s devotion writer Kristine Brown, 100 of God’s Promises for Your Unraveled Heart. You’ll find weekly encouragement to help you “become more than yourself through God’s Word” at her website, kristinebrown.net. Kristine is the author of the book, Cinched: Living with Unwavering Trust in an Unfailing God.
Listen to the Your Nightly Prayer Podcast
We're proud to announce we've just launched a new nighttime companion to Your Daily Prayer: the Your Nightly Prayer devotional. You can find it on the website at crosswalk.com/devotionals/your-nightly-prayer, where you can sign up to receive it every evening in your inbox. We hope it's a relaxing and soothing way to wind down your day with rich meditations on God. Check out an episode below:
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Originally published Saturday, 19 February 2022.