A Prayer to Show Compassion - Your Daily Prayer - July 14

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A Prayer to Show Compassion
By Laura Bailey

“Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience.”  Colossians 3:12 NIV

On Wednesday nights, we’ve been studying Ed Welch's book “Caring For Others.” Welch's eight principles aren’t innovative, particularly unique, or things that we, as churchgoers, don’t already know. Yet, at our last meeting, we unanimously agreed that this was the most influential book we studied that year. Welch took the time to define and breathe life into words, phrases, and pleasantries that we are familiar with but don’t truly grasp their meaning. I began thinking about how often I read verses in Scripture, my eyes dancing from line to line, moving quickly through the text. I understand most of the text at a surface level but rarely linger on the word choice or phrases within the verses.

A few years ago, a Bible teacher encouraged us to look up words in familiar texts, not only their definition but their antonyms and synonyms. By doing so, we might be surprised how they change our understanding of what the author is trying to say to us. Our key verse, Colossians 3:12, was the verse we used for the exercise. Many of us are familiar with this text and have read similar Scriptures throughout the New Testament. As our teacher pointed out, if the Bible speaks on a topic multiple times, such as how we should clothe ourselves, perhaps we should take extra care to learn the text thoroughly.

In his letter to the Colossians, Paul says that this is how we should live as God’s chosen people, the children he set apart and loved beyond measure. He uses the word clothe; think about this: we don’t always wear clothes; we have to put them on. So Paul is pushing us to see that these are things we must “put on” or choose to incorporate into our daily lives.

Compassion is a caring response to someone else’s distress.  

  • Synonym: sympathy
  • Antonym:   indifference

Kindness is assisting or helping others in need.

  • Synonym: blessing
  • Antonym:   hindrance

Humility is thinking of others more highly than yourself.

  • Synonym: meekness
  • Antonym:   pride

Gentleness is a kind and agreeable manner.

  • Synonym: tenderness
  • Antonym:   harshness

Patience is being able to endure difficulties without complaining. 

  • Synonym: willingness
  • Antonym:   disobedience

What if we summarized Paul’s words with our new understanding of their definition? How would that change or shape how we apply them to our lives? Our lives should be filled with caring for others, helping fulfill needs, putting others first, and always serving with a positive attitude and without complaining. Conversely, we are too put off or should be careful to avoid indifference to the hurts around us. We should not hinder others, pridefully thinking we are better or more important. We must pay careful attention to how we speak, not harshly or carelessly, and be obedient to what God has called us to do.

Exhibiting these characteristics is challenging. Most days, it is more comfortable to put on the things I should put off. But we remember the compassion our Heavenly Father showed us by sending His son, Jesus. We can’t live a perfect life, but we can choose compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience daily. And when we allow our flesh to overtake us, we can rest in the grace and mercy of a Father who is quick to forgive.

Let’s pray:

Heavenly Father, we are so grateful for the opportunity to read and study Your Word. Thank you for the gift of the Bible. May we never take for granted being able to come before you each day with open hearts and minds. Lord, we ask that You help us look more like You each day. Guide us as we clothe ourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience. Let us not be overcome by the desires of our flesh; help us to flee from temptation, saying no to allowing pride to creep into our thoughts and actions. When we’ve sinned, help us quickly seek forgiveness before You and those who we’ve offended. We love you, Lord. In Jesus’ Name, amen.

Photo Credit: ©iStock/Getty Images Plus/Xesai

Laura Bailey author headshotLaura Bailey is an author and Bible teacher who encourages women to understand what they believe, why it matters, and how to apply biblical truths to their lives. Her recent book, Embracing Eternity in the Here and Now, explores how the timeless truths of Ecclesiastes help us live more peaceful, purposeful, and plentiful lives today.

She lives in Upstate South Carolina with her husband and three young girls, where she serves as director of women's ministries at her church. Her passion is teaching the Bible to women, equipping them to live with an eternal perspective. Invite Laura to speak at your next event or learn more: www.LauraRBailey.com connect on Facebook and Instagram

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Originally published Sunday, 14 July 2024.