Don’t Grow Weary in Doing Good
Your Nightly Prayer for Mar. 5, 2025
by Amanda Idleman
“Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.” - Galatians 6:9
Do you ever have days that you are just over it? Tired of the work before you. More than just physically tired but also mentally drained. The will to keep at it, the joy that is waiting to be found in the small moments just outside of your reach?
I had a day like this not long ago. I did not want to be a Mom to so many kids. I was so done with the foster care system that we work as foster parents in. I was frustrated, and my body was tense and overwhelmed. The good work in my life did not feel worth it. I only felt discouraged and frustrated.
Those are the moments that we need to go back to Christ for some renewed strength and a reminder that the good work we are each called to, no matter how mundane that work may feel, matters in God’s Kingdom. He says that if we are faithful, we will reap a harvest. He reminds us not to give up!
If you are feeling discouraged, like me, speak the life of scripture into your heart! Our good work is important, even if it feels unseen and simple. My faithful commitment to changing my child’s diaper, keeping our home tidy, making sure my kids are educated, advocating as a foster parent, and a million other things I do that I don’t receive thanks for are the good work that God is calling me to.
If I am faithful in this, there is not only a reward in Heaven but one in the now. I reap the benefit of seeing my kids heal, thrive, and grow. Our home remains a safe place for those we love to gather and commune. Our community benefits from our willingness to take in children who need a safe home for a long time or for a short time. God honors our good work, so we must not grow weary, we must not give up, and by his strength, we remain faithful!
Father, I thank you that you have good work for each and every person to do. We are all made on purpose and with a purpose. Remind us on our bad days that we matter! No task is too small to make a difference in your kingdom. Cleaning our homes, caring for our families, and even running errands make a difference because it is all part of how we are faithful to love others well. Strengthen us on this journey. Renew the joy of our salvation. Help us not to give up so we can see the harvest you have for us here on Earth and in Heaven. Amen.
1. Weariness is usually a sign that some part of your life is out of balance. What can you do to bring more rest and harmony to your routine so you are free to feel joy again?
2. Don’t believe the lie that your work is too small to count! Make a list of all you did today and consider how the people around you felt loved and cared for because of you.
3. Take time to memorize Galatians 6:9 so you can call on this when you need motivation for the task at hand.
Photo Credit: ©Unsplash/ Andrew Neel
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Originally published Wednesday, 05 March 2025.