We must put our holy earplugs in and speak life over our plans. As long as they are God’s plans, He will bless them.
2022 was excellent until September 19, the day I discovered the pain of sciatica. Each day brought even more pain, stealing my freedom. My heart ached as I missed daily walks with my dog as leaves fell to the ground with the cooler autumn temperatures. I couldn’t even bend down to kiss her velvety ears.
I couldn’t get the clothes out of the bottom of the washer or the back of the dryer. I felt so useless. Everything I had planned for fall and Christmas fell apart, including speaking events and a proper book launch for my new devotional.
How was your 2022? I wish I could hear your answer. If it was like mine, I want to encourage you that 2022 has gone, and now we have a new year and hopefully a better one.
Each January, I read Joshua chapter one. It’s a great outline for new beginnings. Moses had passed away, leaving Joshua in charge. as I read carefully through the verses, I discovered new treasures I had never noticed before. So, instead of giving you four points, I have ten points to share. My prayer is that some of these will fit perfectly in your life.
1. Arise (Josh. 1:2 b NKJV)
We cannot move forward when we stand still. We also can’t move forward when we are looking back. It’s time to leave 2022 in the past. It’s time to leave what someone did to us in the past. It’s time to leave our disappointments and discouragement in the past, and it’s time to move forward. Our enemy will tempt us with the past. He knows when he does that, he causes us to pause from moving forward. The command to arise meant it was time to break camp and move forward.
2. Don't Give Up
"Go over this Jordan, you and all this people, to the land which I am giving to them—the children of Israel." (Joshua 1:2c NKJV)
It may not sound like a big deal to us, but when bridges weren’t available, and the Jordan had flooded its banks, crossing Jordan became an obstacle.
Don’t be alarmed if the new year begins with an obstacle. Look in Joshua 3. God gave Joshua specific instructions about crossing the Jordan. First, the Levitical priests carried the Ark of the Covenant out into the Jordan. When their feet met the water, God stopped the flow of the Jordan until all of Israel had crossed.
Friend, when you meet obstacles, don’t give up like the enemy wants you to. Instead, heed the instructions God gives you. He may allow an obstacle, but He will always make a way through it.
3. Step into Opportunities
"Every place that the sole of your foot will tread upon I have given you, as I said to Moses." (Joshua 1:3 NKJV)
I love this verse because it’s a twist on words. If you’re not a grammar buff, you might miss it. Let’s go back to grade school English class. Look at the verb phrase “will tread.” That is future tense. Now look at the phrase, “I have given you.” That implies that God has already given them the land.
God was saying He had already given the land, but they would have to seize the land and inhabit it.
God didn’t make it easy. They had to step foot into the land.
A modern-day example is a person praying for a job. They will not get that job by sitting at home waiting for the phone to ring. No, they will have to go to employers and apply or at least fill out an online application.
What has God given you that you haven’t taken possession of? Pray about that. You might get surprising results.
4. Speak Life
"No man shall be able to stand before you all the days of your life." (Joshua 1:5a NKJV)
Don’t allow someone to stand in the way of your dream. People can bring us down with their doom, gloom, and negativity. We must put our holy earplugs in and speak life over our plans. As long as they are God’s plans, He will bless them. I’ve had many plans fizzle out recently, but that’s how God directs us. When a door closes, God will take you to one that opens.
Don’t allow toxic people with toxic speech to bring you down. They get in the way of those of us who are going somewhere.
5. Remember You Aren't Alone
"As I was with Moses, so I will be with you. I will not leave you nor forsake you." (Joshua 1:5b NKJV)
I love the fact that God never leaves us. He never left Moses, Joshua, or anyone else, and He will not leave you either. The enemy will try to trick us into believing we are alone in the battle, but God goes before us and beside us. He covers us like a hen covers her little ones under her wings.
I have battled depression several times in my life, and in those dark moments, I felt alone. I couldn’t sense the Spirit of God, but I knew He never leaves us, and that truth carried me through those seasons.
6. Rely on God's Strength
"Be strong and of good courage, for to this people you shall divide as an inheritance the land which I swore to their fathers to give them." (Joshua 1:6 NKJV)
God might not promise a certain plot of land to you, but He has many promises for you. When we know His promises, we feel stronger.
Through my pain-filled back problems to learning to publish a book, I lacked strength. Truthfully, I need to build up my physical strength from this long-term battle. My body tires out easily.
I did a Facebook live last week, and everyone remarked how strong I appeared. That is the strength of the Lord. When we are at our weakest moments, physically, emotionally, or spiritually, God will give us strength. Rely on His almighty strength to help you overcome every obstacle you encounter in 2023.
7. Obey
"Only be strong and very courageous, that you may observe to do according to all the law which Moses My servant commanded you; do not turn from it to the right hand or to the left, that you may prosper wherever you go." (Joshua 1:7 NKJV)
Yes, God repeats His command for Joshua to be strong and courageous. He says it three times in this chapter, so it carries a lot of weight. God says our strength and courage will enable us to live obedient lives. We have been forgiven of all sin, but we must live holy lives to please God.
Sin can hinder answered prayer and blessings. Ask God to examine your life. Ask Him to reveal sin and cleanse you from all of it.
God doesn’t expect us to live sinless lives in our own strength. He helps us by providing an escape from every temptation. Notice that obedience enables us to prosper. Obedience leads to blessing.
8. Memorize Scripture
"This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth..." (Joshua 1:8a NKJV)
We should be so familiar with God’s Word that it rolls off our lips. As much as I write and study God’s Word, I can’t repeat a verse perfectly, but I can understand the general idea. If I memorized Scripture, I could do much better. We need His Word on the tips of our tongues so that in the moment of a crisis, we speak it.
Joshua probably discussed God’s Word at the dinner table, during breakfast, and as he tucked his family into bed. How often do we speak the Word or discuss it in our daily walk?
9. Meditate on Scripture
"But you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success." (Joshua 1:8b NKJV)
It seems like God repeated Himself in this verse, but He gives us instructions as to how we can live obedient and prosperous lives. We need to keep our noses in His Word. Joshua and the Israelites only had the first five books of the Bible known as the Pentateuch. We have the whole counsel of God in our modern-day Bibles, but we must read them. Then we should select a verse or two and spend time meditating on it. What does it say to you? What does it mean? Is it a command to follow or a promise to believe?
10. Don't Let Fear Win
"Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed..." (Joshua 1:9b NKJV)
Finally, we receive more instruction to be strong and courageous, but this time the Lord has another command. Do not fear. Fear will keep us from moving ahead. Fear will make us tremble when obstacles stand before us. Perhaps this is why God has repeated the command to be strong and courageous. Fear comes from the enemy and not from God. Don’t allow fear to rule this year.
How many of these steps can you implement into your life? Which one will you work on today? Use Joshua 1 to strategize a battle plan for obstacles, and be ready to meet them head-on, full of courage. Trust God and walk in victory this year.
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