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4 Ways Blessings Can Disguise Themselves

Vivian Bricker

Contributing Writer
Updated Jan 04, 2023
4 Ways Blessings Can Disguise Themselves

We often think of blessings as tangible things, such as material items, but one of the greatest blessings God can give us is people. 

Blessings can disguise themselves in many ways. Sometimes, it can be hard to tell if something is a blessing until the aftermath. In the modern day, everyone is hoping for a blessing, but a blessing may already be at our doorstep—we just haven’t recognized it yet. 

Here are four ways blessings can disguise themselves: 

1. People

The first way blessings can disguise themselves is in the way of people. There are many people we interact with each day, people who are close to us or complete strangers. If we start looking for blessings in the form of people, we will better see a glimpse of God’s work in the world. From the stranger who let you go in front of them at the grocery store checkout line when you were running late to the loved one who held you when you cried, these are all blessings in subtle ways.

It can be hard to recognize people as blessings in disguise when you are focused on stresses, schedules, and negative things, yet when you look for blessings, you’ll find them, even the disguised ones, all around you. An unexpected new friend at work or school can make a huge difference in your life. I personally have known many individuals to be unexpected blessings in my life. When I went on a mission trip in 2019, I was overwhelmed, and I felt alone. God sent me an unexpected blessing in the girl who was also going on the mission trip too. She helped me greatly while we were on the mission field. Fast forward to today, we are still close friends, and she continues to be a blessing in my life. 

If you are having a hard time seeing blessings in your life, look at the people around you. God may have blessed you with a mother, father, sister, brother, aunt, or uncle who has been with you through the highs and lows. Maybe you have a close friend or coworker who always knows when to send an encouraging text. Or perhaps the post office lady always smiles and asks about your kids, pets, or big work project. Through each of these individuals, the blessing is hidden in a person. We often think of blessings as tangible things, such as material items, but one of the greatest blessings God can give us is people. 

2. Animals

A second way blessings can disguise themselves is through animals. Our pets can often be blessings in disguise because they bring us happiness and joy. When we get home from a long day at work, we are greeted by our furry pals, and they can help us feel less stressed and anxious. By petting our dog or cat, we can feel relaxed and at ease. Animals can also be great friends and companions to us. Dogs especially love to be around humans and can build a strong bond with their owners.

Our family dog passed away in early 2016, yet our dog and my sister had an unbreakable bond that still stays in my sister's heart today. They were the best of friends, and I know for a fact that our dog helped my sister through many tough times. In this way, our dog was a blessing in disguise, not only to my sister but also to our whole family. Maybe you have felt the same with an animal or a pet. They came just at the right moment, and they were a blessing in disguise. Animals are beautiful creations of God, and He can urge us to pick up a stray dog, adopt a cat, or purchase another pet from the store for His design purpose.

If you’re an introvert like me, sometimes being around animals is much easier than being around people. Animals listen and won’t walk away if we say something awkward. They also can be more supportive than people around us and don’t mind if we cry on them. As we can see, animals can be blessings in disguise to us. God knows everything, and sometimes, He will send us an unexpected blessing in the form of fur and slobbers.  

3. A Sermon

A third way blessings can disguise themselves is through a sermon. How many times have you heard a sermon, and it was exactly what you needed at the time? For most of us, it has happened at least once. God can speak to us through sermons, and He can open our eyes to blessings we already have. Everyone is blessed once they know Jesus as their Christ and Lord. Though we often view church and listening to sermons as part of our to-do list as Christians, God can convey His blessings through this routine practice of our faith. The preacher might remind us of one of the great blessings given to us through Jesus Christ, our Lord—the gift of salvation and eternal life.

Through Jesus, we have been blessed with forgiveness of sins, a new start, and eternal life with Him forever. It can be easy to forget about these blessings daily because we tend to be focused on the here and now rather than focusing on our blessings in Christ. When a preacher tells us a sermon, he often reminds us of the blessing we have found in Christ. In our present life, we cannot fully experience the blessing of eternal life in Him, yet we will one day in the future.

The next time you listen to a sermon at church or online, try to notice any blessings the preacher may be sharing through his words. God mainly speaks to us through the Bible, but He can also speak through people and sermons. Many reassuring and comforting promises are found in sermons, and they can help point us back to God. Even if we may not see this blessing with our physical eyes, we can hear this blessing and feel it in our hearts and minds. 

4. An Injury/Illness

A fourth way blessings can disguise themselves is through an injury or illness. While most people would not classify an injury or an illness as a blessing, we can better focus on God and appreciate what God has given us in these trying times. Most of us don’t appreciate our health until we get sick. In the same way, most of us don’t appreciate a limb until it is hurt or broken. Once we get injured or have an illness, it can be God’s way of pointing us back to Him or calling us to rest.

I had a friend break their leg in a car accident a few months back. Instead of complaining about the injury, he took it as a blessing and chose to spend more time reflecting on God and reflecting on how he could serve Him better. I was surprised by my friend’s action because, from my point of view, he had just broken his leg and wasn’t going to be able to walk for 3-6 months. I couldn’t understand how he could see it as a blessing because it seemed too painful and inconvenient to be a blessing. 

Over time, I could better see how the injury was a blessing and helped him grow in Christ. Similarly, whenever we have an injury or an illness, we need to view the injury or illness as a way of God communicating with us. While injuries and illnesses are never fun, they can help us reprioritize and notice all the true blessings in our lives. When we start doing this, we will see God working through the hard times. We might even see the injury or illness as a blessing, not a curse. 

Photo Credit: ©GettyImages/Monoliza21

Vivian Bricker author bio photoVivian Bricker obtained a Bachelor of Arts in Ministry, followed by a Master of Arts with an emphasis in theology. She loves all things theology, mission work, and helping others learn about Jesus. Find more of her content at Cultivate: