I think we can all agree that spending focused time studying the Bible and applying it to our lives is one of the best ways to grow spiritually. But life doesn't always go as planned, and sometimes I don't get my 30 minutes of Bible study before the baby wakes up. And once she's up, I can say goodbye to any semblance of quiet and devotion: my day is a blur of busyness.
Perhaps you can relate.
But not all is lost if we miss our morning quiet time. Here are 5 ways I've found to fill my heart with God's Word throughout the day, helping me keep my heart turned toward Jesus wherever I am.
Keep memory verse cards by the kitchen sink
One of the best ways to let God's truth sink in to my heart is to repeat it over and over again while I'm doing dishes or prepping dinner. There's something powerful about meditation on Scriptures, and it's a wonderful way to engage my mind while I'm doing otherwise mindless tasks.
Listen to a sermon while on the go
I love listening to Moody radio when I'm in the car--their programs regularly challenge me to reexamine the way I view my understanding of the Bible, relationships, and my work. I've even called in to join their talk shows a couple of times. I also try to play podcasts or audio sermons while jogging or running errands. It makes the time go by so much faster!
Keep a Bible on the kitchen table
Even if I can't do an inductive study on a passage, I can at least read a few verses while eating my morning cereal. Don't underestimate the power of a few moments in the Word.
Read the Bible in bed
Sometimes my mind is still rushing even though my body is exhausted. I've found that reading a few verses helps calm my mind and puts me right to sleep. (So, there's been some guilt involved in this last one, but then I think David may have experienced something similar: "I will lie down and sleep in peace, for you alone, O LORD, make me dwell in safety." (Psalm 4:8)
Stash a devotional in bathroom
So... we spend a lot of time getting ready in the bathroom, yes? Rather than checking my Twitter newsfeed or trying to reply to emails one-handed (while brushing my teeth with the other), how much more useful would it be to fill my mind with Truth? Stashing a devotional in the bathroom makes the most of those moments and helps me start the day off right.
Take a look at what's hanging out on my bathroom vanity nowadays:
I LOVE this large Jesus Calling perpetual calendar by Sarah Young, and these bite-sized daily devotionals remind me that it's all about a relationship, not a routine. There are related verses cited at the bottom of each day's reading as well.
Jesus Calling – 365 Day Perpetual Calendar
I found another that would be a GREAT teacher gift (at only $5!)
School Days for Teachers – Perpetual Calendar
And here are the Jesus Calling quotes and memory cards I have next to my kitchen sink (first picture in this post):
I'd love to hear from you: what's your favorite way to fill up with God's Word throughout the day?
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