How to Find Healing in a Hurting World

Alicia Searl

Contributing Writer
Published Oct 31, 2023
How to Find Healing in a Hurting World

You are doing a good (and even miraculous) work for God just by placing your trust in Him.  

Sweet sis, I know your heart has got to be just as heavy as mine. It’s been a lot to take in the last couple of weeks, hasn’t it? This month has been absolutely heart-wrenching. The other day as I was watching the news, and out of the corner of my eye, I noticed my teen standing behind me. She had tears in her eyes. My momma heart sank. 

“Why, Mom? Why is this happening?” 

Her shaky voice told me everything I needed to know. I turned off the news and casually said three words, “I don’t know.” It was a natural response, but if I were being honest, I wish I could take them back and say something much more comforting and reassuring. But, I couldn’t manage to find the right words. I really was at a loss with her. 

Friend, maybe you are asking the same exact question. Oh, how I wish I had the right words to comfort you and give you a little peace, but honestly, they would only fall short. My momma heart groans and aches in agony along with yours for the state of our world, rendering me utterly speechless. Like you, I wish things were different, and I could make sense of some (or any) of it. But, when I reach that pivotal point, which is often, I have to pause, take a deep breath, and temper the wild thoughts before they take me down a not-so-good path.

The truth is, as believers, we are called to have a different perspective (Romans 12:2). When our hearts and minds are feasting on the frenzy of this world, we need to kick our faith into hyperdrive! We must hold tightly to the truth that God is in control. He sees what is happening and knows what is still yet to come. He is the same yesterday, as He is today, and as He will be tomorrow – faithful and always good (Hebrews 13:8)! 

While these times may be filled with violence, division, hatred, and sickness, we must tell our bleeding hearts that our God is still good. Yes, good! He is faithful and good because while we were sinners and tainted this perfect world with our flesh (and He knew we would), He still chose us! His love for us is so great and His need for a relationship for us runs so deep that He knew we would need a Savior, so He delivered one! And, He is coming back again to save us! 

You see, we often get our view of God mixed up by asking the wrong questions. We shouldn’t be asking why God would allow such things to happen or wondering where He is in the midst of violence, but rather what can we do for God to promote peace and extend healing? We may not understand the will of God, nor were we meant to, but we can trust Him and His promise to never leave or forsake us (Hebrews 13:5)!

Will you shift your focus with me and discover ways we can find and give the gift of healing to a world that is so desperately hurting? Let’s lean into our faith and suit up because we are going to need the full armor of God to weather the storms we are currently in (Ephesians 6:10-18). Remember, where there is a will…God always makes a way!

Pray with Bold Conviction

The best thing we can do for a world that seems to be coming unhinged is to put our hands together and bring our hearts before the Lord. Now, more than ever, we see a great need to pray for the people of Israel and all the innocent civilians caught in the crossfires of this war. We need to also be earnestly praying for the nature of surrounding countries and that God provides wisdom and discernment to the leaders and the leaders around the globe. 

Given the massive revolutionary movement that is currently taking place, there are three ways we must be praying for God’s justice and that His love will prevail:

  1. Pray that God will save His chosen people of Israel and protect innocent lives.

  2. Pray that the gospel will reach every people group across the world. 

  3. Pray that God cleanses our land and uses us in a powerful way to bring glory to His name.

Will you pray with me now?

Heavenly Father, You are a good, just, and righteous God. We come before You with heavy hearts, seeking Your mighty hand and merciful face. Our world is hurting and has been groaning for a while now. We lift up Your people of Israel and ask that You bring about justice while restoring peace. We pray for their salvation and that they come into a relationship with Your Son, Jesus. We ask that you be with each and every leader who is consumed in this war and grant them wisdom and discernment. We pray for our own land and the people within it. We ask for unity and that You make Yourself known in a bold way! We pray that a revival is spread across our land. We pray for those who do not know the gospel and that You make a way for them to hear Your Word. And Lord, we pray that you use us! Help us be the stewards You need us to be. We ask all this in Your holy and Precious Name. Amen.

Live Out Your Calling

Have you ever thought about what your calling looks like? Maybe in these trying times you are confused about what that even means. There has always seemed to be this great mystery behind God’s callings, and truthfully, there is a lot of hype around this subject matter. In a sense, we have romanticized it a bit, almost as if we need God to woo us in some way and sweetly coax us into the miraculous work that He wants us to do for Him.

Friend, let me be frank with you here. Your calling begins with your role as a believer. Then as a wife, mother, daughter, and sister. Sure, it may not feel romanticized, in fact, it may even feel quite difficult at times, but let me tell you this: You are doing a good (and even miraculous) work for God just by placing your trust in Him.  

While God grants us unique and significant gifts to use and share with others beyond our roles, our first calling is to be in tune with His will. When we intimately know God and trust His plan for our lives, He will give us ways to live for Him. First, recognize that a call will line up with Scripture. God will never ask us to do something that goes against His Word. God will also bring about a sense of peace and assurance that doesn’t always make sense and may even feel uncomfortable, but we must trust His plan. He will equip us (Hebrews 13:21)! Lastly, a calling will result in ultimately glorifying His name (1 Corinthians 6:19-20).

So, in these times, think about how you can use your gifts and callings to promote God’s love and peace. Start within the walls of your own home, leading your children to His Word when the world seems scary. Reassure them that God is in control and that you will do everything you can to keep them safe. Then reach out to God and say six simple words, “Use me to do Your will!”

Be Bold in Sharing Your Faith

It is said in 2 Thessalonians 2:3 that in the final days, there will be a great falling away. This verse gives us a warning of sorts, stating that there will be deception in false prophets and teachers, rebellion will ensue, and people will turn away from their faith before Jesus returns. Did you hear it? It's a wake-up call from God! 

Friend, these are odd times we are living right now, and it may seem like the great falling away is happening. Just know that while nobody knows the exact time Jesus will return, we are commanded to stand firm in our faith, and not to be swayed by those who add, take away, contradict, or nullify His Word. We can recognize that and protect ourselves quickly by noting if the preaching and teaching are coming straight from Scripture and if the preacher bears fruits of the Spirit.

There is also a call for us to be bold and share our faith. We can easily do that by just sharing our testimony and the way God has moved in our own lives. Share the trials and how God saw you through them and don’t discount the many blessings that God has given you. Nobody can refute your story. When we open up and share, planting a seed of faith, aiming to bring healing to a world that is searching for hope, something beautiful happens. That is exactly where God intervenes, takes over, and ushers another person into His kingdom. 

Sweet sister, let’s take the opportunity to share our story. Maybe it is with that mom in playgroup or a family member who is deep in the rabbit hole of lies, getting consumed by the fear that is smeared daily on the news. There are so many who need everlasting hope. Many are slipping from their faith and need to be reminded of who they are in Christ while others need to truly know Who God is, so let’s live with conviction and be led by love. 

May we all have a burning desire to pray with conviction, live out our calling, and boldly profess and share our faith, extending hope and healing to a world that is deeply craving the kind of love only God can offer!

Photo Credit: ©Getty Images/coffeekai

Alicia SearlAlicia Searl is a devotional author, blogger, and speaker that is passionate about pouring out her heart and pointing ladies of all ages back to Jesus. She has an education background and master’s in literacy.  Her favorite people call her Mom, which is why much of her time is spent cheering them on at a softball game or dance class. She is married to her heartthrob (a tall, spiky-haired blond) who can whip up a mean latte. She sips that goodness while writing her heart on a page while her puppy licks her feet. Visit her website at and connect with her on Instagram and Facebook.