A 10-Day Esther Bible Study to Find Your Purpose
Thomas Klock
Harvest Ministries
During the seventy years the Jews suffered their Babylonian exile, God raised up several people to faithfully guide and direct His fallen people back to Himself. Among these were Zerubbabel, Ezra, Nehemiah, and a young woman named Esther. The actions and examples of these four people are worthy to be included in the Hall of Faith of Hebrews 11, yet none of them were. In fact, the only one of these four even mentioned in the New Testament is Zerubbabel, who led the initial return of some of the Jews to their homeland. Ezra became the spiritual leader of the people, and he and Nehemiah led the reconstruction of the city and the temple, and the revival of their lives to once again be who God called them to be.
Yet none of this would have been possible apart from the courageous stand and intervention of the young woman Esther, who found herself in a unique place of influence with the King. The examples of Esther and her cousin Mordecai can teach us much, as can other principles we can draw from their experiences, and help us to make a difference for God in our world.
Content credit: ©Harvest Christian Fellowship, used with permission.
Photo credit: ©SparrowStock