I pray that (student’s) legs and feet be secure in Your peace. Many challenges will come his way and influence him to stumble or create a spirit of fear and anxiety. May he peacefully walk in Your ways and in Your path, without fear of whatever struggles lie ahead. Help (student) to know the fullness of your peace so that his way will be made straight.
“They have not known the path of peace, and there is no justice in their ways. They have made their roads crooked; no one who walks on them will know peace.” (Isaiah 59:8)
Full Body: Shield of Faith
Father God, help (student) carry his shield of faith into battle each day, ready to deflect any thought, word, or actions prepared to damage his body, mind, and spirit. Give him reassurance that the battle of this life has already been won. You are victorious and are placing the shield in his hand to also overcome the spiritual war in his life. Help (student) remember Your promises so that he may fight the good fight producing stronger faith.
“Timothy, my son, I am giving you this instruction in keeping with the prophecies previously made about you, so that by recalling them you may fight the good fight, having faith and a good conscience.” (1 Timothy 1:18-19)
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