“Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, ‘This is the way; walk in it.’” Isaiah 30:21 NIV
My husband hopes to draft his little girls into appreciating football. So each week during our family fantasy football draft, he helps the girls and I tweak our teams, making laps around the table to coach our picks. If only life came with a coach like that. Yet, we do! Believers have an even better coach to guide us, in fact.
This is what Isaiah was talking about in the above verse. He reminded Israel the importance of following the one true God, not other gods.
We, too, can tap into the power of the living Word of God and allow it to convict, direct, and encourage our hearts. When we follow God, no matter where we turn or how many times we circle, He steadily guides us to the path He has prepared for us. May we have a fresh assurance today that we are right where God wants us to be.
Photo Credit: Thinkstock/Astarot

1. Faithfully Follow God
“He replied, ‘Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and obey it.’” Luke 11:28
Following God faithfully leads us to peace that transcends all understanding. No matter what we’re up against in this life, God sits above all. He is in control. However, we are tasked to work efficiently with what He’s given us. Society is full of people with different gifts and talents.
But if we:
- Don’t obey God with our gifts and talents
- Hesitate on an opportunity out of fear
- Delay moving on to stay comfortable
Then we open the door to things like conflict and anxiety.
Photo Credit: Thinkstock/Forester

"...if we’re not willing to pull over and listen, frustration will take over."
We can ask for God’s audible voice of direction in our lives, but if we’re not willing to pull over and listen, frustration will take over.
Lack of preparation can send us reeling. Is there a worse feeling in the world than realizing the Thursday night football games have started and you’ve forgotten to set your fantasy team lineup? When we have dropped the ball in an area of which we are responsible, a lack of peace will most likely prevail.
Photo Credit: Unsplash

2. Glorify God in What You Do
“So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.” 1 Corinthians 10:31
Anything we seek to accomplish in life should have an underlying purpose that reflects our faith and glorifies God.
Our funny little “just for fun” fantasy football league has a greater purpose than learning about the game of football. We are creating a platform for conversation, laughter, healthy competition, and camaraderie. Because any chance that we can bond with our tweens while they will still entertain our presence is precious.
God is good and wants good things for us. He crafted us on purpose for a purpose.
Photo Credit: Unsplash/Alice Achterhof

3. Remember God’s Faithfulness
“I will remember the deeds of the LORD; yes, I will remember your wonders of old.” Psalm 77:11
Savor the victories in life and enjoy God’s blessings. Stop long enough to enjoy and let them sink in deep. Let the joy of walking in an easy season of life be like a memory savings account of hope for the next dip life brings. He’s there for it all.
Not every path to peace results in the kind of progress we’re used to seeing framed by society. But in the harshness of life, where we take one hit after another, He is close. He is with us in the storm. It may feel like we’re running against the wind, but we’re closer than we know to accomplishing His will for our lives. In the midst of a storm, seek God and remember his faithfulness and goodness.
Photo Credit: Unsplash/Etty Fidele

4. Trust that God Has Placed You Where You Are
“The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; surely I have a delightful inheritance.” (Psalm 16:6)
Trust that we are not placed on this earth coincidently. God will bring people and situations in our lives in His perfect timing. Our task is to love the best we can with what we’ve been given. When we pay attention to the people and the work God placed in our lives, the journey becomes more enjoyable. Sometimes, we’ll pick others up. Other times, they’ll scrape us off the pavement.
Embrace your place in life. You’re right where God wants you to be.
Photo Credit: Thinkstock/Enrouteksm

5. Have Faith God is Working for Your Good Even in the Hard Times
“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” Romans 8:28
It’s disappointing to lose a fantasy football matchup, but losses in real life can be downright devastating. Poor choices can leave us walking through painful consequences. Even if we make godly choices, life will undoubtedly hand us hard circumstances. The rollercoaster of triumphs and losses can have our hearts reeling through different seasons.
Through it all, Christ is interceding for us in heaven. Yes, He prays for us! The victory has already been won when we embrace Him as our Savior. We can ditch hopeless thoughts and remind ourselves that we are His.
Photo Credit: Unsplash/Jonathan Chen

"God knows every day of our lives..."
We can’t see the end or predict the wins and losses in life. But God knows every day of our lives, and we can have faith that His love for us will guide us along as we seek His direction.
(For more Bible Verses about Guidance, click here.)
Meg writes about everyday life within the love of Christ on her blog, https://sunnyand80.org. She is a stay-at-home mom, freelance writer, blogger, and preparing to release her first book, “Friends with Everyone.” She resides on the shore of Northern Ohio with her husband of eleven years, two tween daughters, and their Golden-doodle.
Photo Credit: Unsplash
Originally published Thursday, 11 October 2018.