A Prayer for Those Who Feel Alone

Nylse Esahc

Lord, there is so much swirling all around me begging for my attention – people, places, things, tasks. Still, in the midst of it all, I feel so alone—as if I stand in this swirling vortex by myself. For whatever reason, though people surround me, I’m unable to connect with them. It seems that when I try to open up, I am rejected and this rejection insulates me from ever trying again. For now I feel so alone.

From Those Who Feel Alone:

I’m the first student in my family to attend college. My family is proud of me, but they don’t understand what it took to get here. I have tried to speak to them, but they don’t get it. I’m often ignored because I’m considered the ‘smart one.’ But smart people also feel. My family means well, but they don’t understand my desire to succeed—that this is how you wired me. I love my family, but they don’t understand me. I feel so alone.

I’m a young employee starting my dream job after completing college. These folks all speak another language – corporate vernacular they call it, but I have no idea what they’re saying. Why can’t they speak in simple sentences if they want me to understand? My boss seems nice, but I’m having a hard time trusting her since I’m not sure she has my best interests at heart. My co-workers seem to fit in or go along, but I can’t seem to do it. I feel so alone.

I’m a wife, newly married. As I discover the joys of marriage, I also discover there’s so much I don’t know about myself or my spouse. Sometimes I can share deep thoughts and we just bond, but other times it seems daunting. We talked a lot about big things before we were married – children, careers, choices, church, but now Lord, I must admit that some of this is scary as we start this new life together. Living with each other sure is different than occasionally seeing each other. I feel so alone.

I’m a mother with more children than it seems I can handle. I love my children Lord, but they are a handful. When they were newborns, I wanted them to sleep more. As they toddled, I wanted them to sit more. Now that they can talk, I wish that they would talk less. I feel the huge weight of responsibility of ensuring that I raise what you have given me in a way that’s pleasing to you. But sometimes I don’t think I’m good enough for the task. Others seem to manage it so effortlessly. I feel so alone.

I’m a widow whose husband has left this earth, and I miss him. He was ill for a while, so I had some time to get used to his transition. But now that he’s gone I don’t know what to do with myself. Friends don’t call or check in as often as I wish; when they do call our conversations are stilted. I walk around this house talking to myself because there’s no longer anyone here to talk to. The night time is the hardest because it is unbelievably quiet and dark. I’m not used to having the bed to myself. The tears fall as I lull myself to sleep. I feel so alone.

Lord, I Know that You are With Me

Lord in each of these stages you have seen your daughter. When I feel alone, I know that you are with me. I know that you have left your Comforter with me and he comforts me in these lonely times. I know that you are Emmanuel, here with me. I know that you are El-Roi and you see me. I know that you are Jehovah Jireh, a God who meets my needs. Right now I need this feeling of loneliness to diminish. As I talk and pour out my heart to you, just the very act of speaking lets me know that I am not alone. I may feel alone, but I’m not alone. You are with me. You walk beside me. You are holding my hand. You have wrapped me in your loving embrace. So you see my thoughts and how they tend to isolate me. You see my fear and how it stifles me. You even see the people you’ve placed in my life and how I’m afraid to reach out; to be vulnerable; to make myself known.

Lord, Give Me the Words to Connect with Others

I remember that you prayed before choosing the twelve men who would be your disciples (Luke 6:1). You prayed all night, as it was important to have the right people around you. In the same vein, Lord, before I interact or connect with others, may I spend significant time in your presence as I am now. Comfort me, direct me, instruct me. Lord forgive me for feeling that I’m all alone. I have you, and I’m reassured of this by the promises in your Word. I thank you for being a balm for the loneliness. The next time I feel lonely in my circumstances, whether it be as a student, employee, wife or mother, provide the words that I should say. Lord direct my paths; teach me the words to say, mold me into who I am becoming. Our words matter as they foster connection and alleviate loneliness. So give me words that are like apples of gold in frames of silver (Proverbs 25:11); beautiful words, that appeal to the hearers, that help them begin to understand me. Provide the right words for the right situation.

Lord, Help Me Cling to Your Promises and Comfort

Lord, because I expect you to will fulfill your promises in my life, I know I can be at peace. I know that this feeling of loneliness drives me to you which brings peace in a way I can’t understand. Then as your peace, love, and grace radiate from me, this gives me the courage to reach out. I know that you are working through me. As I bask in your presence, imprint on me that I am never alone.  So as I reach out to those around me, help me to do so with boldness because I know that you will never leave or forsake me.

Dear Lord, this lonely soul approaches you somewhat at the end of her rope, but knowing that you are always here with me. I thank you, Lord, that this feeling of loneliness is not foreign to you. I thank you, Lord, that with you I’m not alone and that you provide wisdom and courage to connect with those in my life. Help me to tap into the fellowship of believers in my life; to understand that by knowing them, I see another facet of your love; to know that they can also intercede and provide physical comfort during these times. When all else fails, help me to know that you comfort me, you are trustworthy, you are faithful, you are dependable, and that you are always working. In those moments when I feel alone, may I wholeheartedly trust you and know that all will be well.


Nylse is a Christian wife and a mother of four who loves life and inspiring others. She likes to have fun but is very clear on who she is and Whose she is. A prolific thinker, she blogs to encourage others from a Christian perspective at www.lifenotesencouragement.com. She can be found online on FacebookTwitter, and Pinterest.

This article is part of our Prayers resource meant to inspire and encourage your prayer life when you face uncertain times. Visit our most popular prayers if you are wondering how to pray or what to pray. Remember, the Holy Spirit intercedes for us and God knows your heart even if you can't find the words to pray.

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Photo credit:Unsplash/SoragritWongsa

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