5 Prayers for Battling Negative Thoughts in Isolation

Crystal Caudill

iBelieve Contributing Writer
Updated Dec 17, 2020
5 Prayers for Battling Negative Thoughts in Isolation

For most people, the long-term isolation that COVID-19 has imposed is a new and difficult struggle. Every aspect of our lives has been affected, and it leaves us emotionally vulnerable to negative thoughts. While it is perfectly normal and acceptable to experience these thoughts, it is crucial to be intentional in battling against them.

Paul made it clear in 2 Corinthians 10:3-5 that we are fighting a spiritual battle. Satan would enjoy nothing more than to rob people of their hope and joy during this difficult time. That is why we must take up the spiritual weapon of prayer to capture and conquer these thoughts.

By the grace of God and our Savior, we do not fight alone. By turning our focus toward Him in prayer, we can rediscover peace and hope for our present and future circumstances. Below are five prayers to help combat the common negative thoughts that can plague us during this time of isolation. May they be a guide for your alone time with God and fill you with His truth.

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narrow view of woman lying alone in bed looking tired and depressed

1. When You Believe You Are Alone


You warned me that we would face trials, but I never expected isolation. Although technology helps people to stay connected, I feel so alone. Thank You that feelings do not alter the truth. You have promised never to leave me nor forsake me, and that You have given me Your Holy Spirit. Help me not only know this truth but also feel the comfort and peace of Your presence during this time.

By Your mercy and grace, nothing can separate me from Your love—not death or life, COVID-19 or isolation, not even emotions. It is such a comfort to know that You love me and want to be with me no matter what. Thank you. Make it my heart's desire to take advantage of this time and grow a deeper relationship with You. You are my God, and there is nothing more important to me.


Photo Credit: © Unsplash/Jordan Bauer

young man sitting alone in an empty church looking up

2. When You Believe No One Cares for You and You Feel Forgotten

Father God,

My heart is heavy, and I am weary. It feels as if I have been forgotten and that no one cares about me. I know this is a lie, and I need Your help to remember and focus on the truth. I have family and friends who care deeply about me. I am missed, and someone is looking forward to seeing me when this is all over. More importantly, You have not forgotten me.

You knit me in my mother's womb with special attention given to every detail. You didn't just throw me together. I am created with intention. I am important to You. You have always loved me and will always love me. Even now, You are with me and blessing my days with Your care and attention. Open my eyes to recognize those acts of love, and help me to praise Your name for them. Thank you for loving me, for not forgetting me, and for caring about me every day and moment of my life.

Help me to share this blessing of love and caring with others. Bring to mind someone who needs to feel remembered, and show me how I can reach out to them.

In Jesus's Name, Amen.

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Woman alone in her apartment

3. When You Think This Isolation Will Never End


When this started, I never imagined we would still be living in isolation. I feel like this is never going to end. Will life ever return to normal? I praise Your name that I can trust this is not our forever future. Everything has a season, and this season of isolation will end. You know exactly how long this will last. Although it is already longer than I like, I trust that You have our best interest in mind. Your Word promises Your plans are for our welfare, not calamity, for a future and a hope. I believe and hold on to that.

Times of trial are not new, they are not forever, and You have a purpose for them. While I do not enjoy this trial, I do thank you for it. James tells me I should count this trial as joy because it tests my faith, produces endurance, and matures my walk with you. Help me to use this trial for your glory and cling to your promise that this is not forever or without purpose. You are Sovereign, and nothing happens without Your allowing it. Help me to look to Your future with hope and anticipation.

In Jesus's name, amen.

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tired woman doctor leaning on window

4. When You Feel Like Everything Has Been Taken Away


I feel a bit like Job right now, and I grieve the loss of celebrations, being with people, events, and so much more. It hurts, and I'm not sure I can take one more cancellation, closure, or restriction. This forced rest was not in my plans, nor did I want it.

But my plans are not Your plans; Your ways are not my ways. You are Sovereign over my life. Any plans I made only came to fruition because of Your will, and every good and perfect gift came from You alone—not because of the work of my hands. It isn't Your desire to make our lives miserable, for You are a Father who delights in His children. Although I do not understand why my life has been stripped so completely, I bow to You.

Like David, I declare, "You are my Lord; I have nothing good besides You." Lord, you are my portion and my cup of blessing; You hold my future. You do not abandon those who seek You. You are who You say You are, and I choose to praise You even during my grief. All these are worldly things taken away for a time, but You are eternal and constant. I praise Your name for that.

In Jesus's name, Amen.

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child in red cap holding mom's hands looking scared

5. When You Fear for You or Your Family's Provision


I am scared. This isolation has cost my family more than just activities. We are financially strained because of all that has happened. I am worried about providing for my family's needs, and I admit I cannot do it on my own. I need You, Father. I am holding on to the reminder that neither the birds nor flowers want for food, clothing, or shelter. You have provided all of that for them, and You have told me I am more precious than they.

When the Israelites were in the desert, You provided manna and water. More than once, Jesus fed the multitudes with nothing more than a few loaves of bread or fish. Open my eyes to all the ways You have provided for me in the past. Help me to reflect on that and remember. Increase my faith as I trust You to act and provide. Many times You tell us in Your word to wait for You to be strong and courageous, even as we wait. I am waiting, Lord. Show me how to act, or give me the courage and strength to wait for You to provide. I hold onto the promise You will provide. I believe it. Help my faith to be unwavering. You are God, Creator, Father, and Provider. I trust You. I believe You will provide everything we need, even if it is not everything we want.

In Jesus's name, amen.

Crystal Caudill is a wife, caregiver, mom of teen boys, historical romance author, and prayer warrior. She isn't perfect but she strives to grow in God and encourage others in their faith journeys every day. Learn more about her and her writing at http://www.crystalcaudill.com.

This article is part of our Prayer resource meant to inspire and encourage your prayer life when you face uncertain times. Visit our most popular prayers if you are wondering how to pray or what to pray. Remember, the Holy Spirit intercedes for us and God knows your heart even if you can't find the words to pray.

Serenity Prayer
The Lord’s Prayer
Irish Blessings & Prayers
Morning Prayers
Good Night Prayers

Prayer for Healing
Prayer for Protection
Prayer for God’s Help
Prayer to the Holy Spirit
Prayer for Strength

Photo Credit: © iStock/Getty Images Plus/photoguns

Crystal Caudill is a wife, caregiver, mom of teen boys, historical romance author, and prayer warrior. She isn't perfect but she strives to grow in God and encourage others in their faith journeys every day. Learn more about her and her writing at http://www.crystalcaudill.com.

This article is part of our prayer resource meant to inspire and encourage your prayer life when you face uncertain times. Remember, the Holy Spirit intercedes for us, and God knows your heart even if you can't find the words to pray.

Prayers for Healing That Bring Daily Strength and Comfort
Prayers for Strength to Use in Difficult Times
Can We Really Pray Without Ceasing?
Powerful Morning Prayers to Begin Your Day

Types of Prayers We See in the Bible
What Is the Prayer of Jabez in the Bible?
How to Pray for Your Daily Bread
Prayers for Anxiousness

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Originally published Friday, 29 May 2020.