10 Things a Wife Needs to Thrive When Life Is Full

Updated Nov 11, 2021
10 Things a Wife Needs to Thrive When Life Is Full

If you are in a continuous cycle of feeling overwhelmed and seeking relief, here are a few ways that you as a mom can feel energized and renewed.

As a wife of twelve years who juggles multiple demands daily, there never seems to be enough hours in the day to get everything done. Marriage is a gift from God, and God desires for us to be wives who are whole and renewed, leaning on God for strength and encouragement during difficult seasons. Between marriage, family, serving in ministry, and making time for self-care, life becomes full quickly, and I am often left feeling drained. Does this sound familiar? If you are in a continuous cycle of feeling overwhelmed and seeking relief, here are a few ways that you can feel energized and renewed.

Photo Credit: © Joel Muniz/Unsplash

1. Receive Encouragement from God’s Word and Others

“You are doing a great job” goes a long way. When life continually becomes full, receiving encouragement or affirmation helps to uplift and strengthen me. My first source of encouragement is God’s word. Reading and meditating on God’s word reminds and reassures us that we are loved, valued, and have everything we need to thrive: even during trying times. Receiving periodic encouragement also helps to refresh and renew our spirits throughout the mundane routines of life. Hearing an encouraging scripture or word helps to motivate and energize us to keep moving forward when we want to give up. God’s word also reminds us that our identity rests in Him and not in our title as wife or ability to complete the tasks that are set before us.

When your life is full and you are seeking strength to move forward as a wife, seek God’s word to first encourage yourself and receive the encouragement of others as you navigate through life’s demands.

2. Accept Support That Is Available

As a wife who is conditioned and used to getting things done on auto-pilot, it is easy to not ask for help. Many times, when we have been doing the same routine for a long time, it may look easy. As wives, our roles are often taken for granted because we make it look effortless, but we have to continually lean on God and be willing to receive support when it is offered. Receiving the resources and support that God provides is necessary to help us not feel completely weighed down and burdened. Contrary to what many women or wives may believe, asking for help is a sign of strength and not weakness. When we allow others to assist us, we are surrendering our need for control and acknowledging our dependence on God.

3. Strength and Courage to Say No

I have a newsflash: you are not a superwoman. With so many demands, saying no and setting healthy boundaries seem difficult to accomplish. However, it is essential to not feel guilty for saying no to people, tasks, or things that continually drain you. Maintaining boundaries is a healthy way to remain renewed, focused, and energized. It also takes pressure off of yourself to be perfect in all things, which is impossible. God isn’t looking for perfection, but for us to willingly surrender. Saying no is a bold declaration to protect your physical, mental, and emotional well-being. I invite you to pray to God for courage to say no to things that will hinder you from having complete peace.

4. Time to Rest for Soul

The busyness doesn’t stop, but you need rest for your soul. In order to remain whole and replenished, it is essential to stay connected to God’s word to have lasting rest and contentment for our souls. Lasting soul rest doesn’t come from taking a nap or a break. While these things will provide momentary rest or relaxation, fulfilling soul rest comes from God. Soul rest isn’t dependent on our circumstances changing, but on seeking God who never changes. As you’re reading this, you may be thinking, I don’t have time to rest my soul. Finding time for soul rest will help us to continue to thrive when life is full.

5. Self-Care

Caring for yourself is important to continue to excel when life stays full. Caring for others continuously from an empty cup is draining and exhausting. God wants us to take care of our bodies, minds, and spirits that He has blessed us with. When women and wives prioritize self-care, we are able to live more full, joyful lives and maintain stronger spirits. As we continue to take care of ourselves, we will remain full and serve from a place of abundance, and not depletion. I encourage you to not put caring for yourself last on the list any longer. Amidst caring for others, make sure that you are seeking to be filled in your body, mind, and soul.

6. A Supportive Community

We were created to be in relationship with each other. Having a supportive family or group of friends to be present, share a listening ear, or help when asked reminds us that we are not alone. When life becomes full, knowing that someone is in your corner helping to carry the load is encouraging. God will provide a support system to motivate, encourage, and uplift us during difficult seasons.

7. A Positive Mindset

In order to thrive when life is full, having a positive mindset is essential. When life is overwhelming, often times I am hard on myself for not having enough “time” to accomplish everything. It is easy to complain, but takes courage to speak life, God’s word, and hope in our spirits. Our schedule or responsibilities may not change, but our perspective can. Shifting from a negative to a positive mindset takes focus and determination. We can speak God’s word to renew our mind and help combat the lies of the enemy that we tell ourselves. Today, I invite you to continue to renew your mind daily with God’s word and a positive mindset. Having a positive mindset will help when you navigate varying seasons of life that are full and challenging.

8. Quiet Time for Renewal

With the continual hustle and bustle of life, quiet time is something that we long for, but don’t always see as possible. However, carving out a few minutes of quiet time each day to recharge our bodies, minds, and spirits is essential as we move forward. When we have quiet time, we can listen to God more clearly as God speaks to us. Renewal is not a one-time occurrence, but we have to pursue it daily. Quiet time will encourage and replenish us when we are depleted.

9. Give Thanks Each Day

Taking the time to give God thanks and praise for our continued blessings helps us to stay encouraged when life gets full. During challenging seasons, giving thanks to God reminds us of God’s presence, and that He has not forgotten about us. Giving thanks also uplifts our spirits when we are down, and reassures us that everything will be ok. When we focus on our victories, we will devote less time to wallowing in our sorrows.

10. Your Identity in Christ is Most Important

In order to thrive as a wife when life is full, being secure in your identity in Christ is important to stay strengthened and encouraged. While being a wife is a gift, we are not defined by any title or role. God’s word reminds us of who we are and whose we are. As we grow in our spiritual maturity and identity in Christ, we are able to receive God’s grace and strength to move forward.

Photo Credit: © Getty Images/eggeeggjiew

Kirstyn Mayden headshotKirstyn Mayden is an author, certified ministry coach, and speaker whose mission is to help women in ministry recover from burnout. She is a wife and mom who loves Jesus with all her heart. For the last 20 years, Kirstyn has served in several ministry roles serving with children, youth, and women. Currently, she serves alongside her husband in ministry in West Virginia. She is the author of Merciful Moments: A Devotional Journal for Moving Forward with Grace Each Day and Merciful Moments Activity Guide. In her free time, she enjoys reading, traveling, and spending time with family and friends. Connect with Kirstyn at www.kirstynmayden.com.

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