With hearts of gratitude and praise, we can faithfully follow Jesus as strong daughters of God. All self-condemnation ceases because of the Lord’s limitless grace.
Whether you chalk it up to the days growing shorter or the weather growing colder, there seems to be a lack of motivation among Christian women these days. The most common complaints I’m hearing (and struggling with myself) are:
“I just can’t keep up.”
“I feel like I’ve lost my joy.”
“I have no energy left.”
Because this seems to be a growing struggle, I’ve spent an extensive amount of time praying about this issue and seeking God’s wisdom for breakthrough. I pray that my own experiences and answers from the Lord will be deeply encouraging to you today.
Here are a few things I’m doing when feeling unmotivated:
I’m Giving Myself Grace
We’re pretty hard on ourselves, aren’t we? We're quick to beat ourselves up over the smallest failures, and we constantly compare ourselves to others who seem to have it all together. But what if we showed ourselves a little grace? What if we acknowledged that nobody has it all figured out? When we do this, we become much kinder, gentler, and patient with our imperfections.
The Bible reminds us that God’s grace is sufficient in our weaknesses. He desires the best for us and extends His grace generously. Imagine the difference it would make if we gave ourselves permission to take a break without feeling guilty, or if we created more space in our schedules for rest and rejuvenation.
On tough days, we can remind ourselves of the abundant grace God has given us through Jesus’ finished work on the cross. It may seem like a passive way to overcome un-motivation, but God's amazing grace is actually a wonderful motivator.
With hearts of gratitude and praise, we can faithfully follow Jesus as strong daughters of God. All self-condemnation ceases because of the Lord’s limitless grace. So please give yourself grace today and feel the burden of self-condemnation lift away.
I’m Seeking Physical Answers
There’s almost always a physical component to a lack of motivation including hormone imbalance, chronic stress, inflammation, or vitamin deficiency. While only your health provider can officially diagnose the problem, there are a few key areas to consider when seeking physical answers:
Are you getting enough sleep?
Are you getting fresh air and sunshine daily?
Are you moving your body enough?
Are you getting the right nutrition?
More often than not, I can track my lack of motivation to one of the above areas. If I’ve had too many nights of broken sleep, I don’t have much energy for the tasks at hand. If I’ve been cooped up inside, without adequate sunshine, my vitamin D levels drop. If I’m sitting too long, my joints are stiff and achy. And without proper nutrition, my blood sugar levels are all over the place.
Our physical health matters! I can’t encourage you enough to take your health seriously and meet with a trusted physician to discuss a lifestyle plan. Find natural ways to boost your immunity, get the vitamins you need, and implement small changes you can easily incorporate into your daily schedule.
Don’t ignore the fact that your lack of motivation might be caused by an underlying physical issue. Ignoring it will only prolong your struggle and might even make things worse. The sooner the issue is resolved, the sooner you’ll feel motivated again!
I’m Changing My Mental Patterns
The older I get, the more aware I am of the power of my mind to zap my motivation. So many of the thoughts I allow to cycle over and over, like clothes tumbling in a dryer, are negative, anxiety-ridden, and toxic. Can you relate?
Often, it begins with something I’ve seen or heard - a social media post, a news headline, a comment from a friend or family member. These things, when allowed to rule my thoughts, can cause me to lose joy, energy, and vitality.
The familiar passage in Romans 12:2 says, “Do not conform to the pattern of this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing, and perfect will.”
If I may be so bold to say, the pattern of this world and the bombardment of negativity have infiltrated our minds to the point that we feel like we are spinning out of control. Worry, fear, and anxiety are constant threats to our well-being.
Please keep in mind, I’m not talking about clinical depression or anxiety, as these medical issues require professional help. Rather, I’m speaking about the mental turmoil induced by the enemy and entertained by our flesh.
My friends, it’s imperative we change our mental patterns to whatever is lovely, pure, noble, and true as found in Philippians 4:8. Every time the enemy whispers, “Did God really say?”, we immediately counter his lies with the truth of God’s Word.
Here are some short, helpful truths to speak when toxic thoughts come to mind:
“God is for me, not against me.”
“I walk by faith, not by sight.”
“I partner only with God and His truth!”
Consider reevaluating what you read, listen to, and allow into your mind. Cut out any activity that causes mental anguish or anxiety. Turn off the news, schedule social media fasts, and fill your mind with the things of God. This can make all the difference in your daily motivation!
I’m Asking for the Joy of God’s Strength
We’ve talked about the personal, mental, and physical reasons for un-motivation, and now I’d like to close with the most important facet of our well-being - our spiritual strength in the Lord.
When I’m being completely honest with myself, a lack of motivation often coincides with a lack of joy. I find myself discontent, restless, and unhappy. But the thing is most of the time, I have no reason to be discontent, restless, and unhappy!
It’s times like these when I double down on my quiet time with God, meditation on the Scriptures, and personal worship. I create margin in my schedule to just be still and ask specifically for the joy of God’s strength.
One of the reasons there is joy in His strength is because it releases us from the pressure of trying to live in our own strength. It relieves us from the effort of constantly striving to humbly receiving. May I repeat that? The joy of God’s strength relieves us from the effort of constantly striving to humbly receiving.
I don’t know about you, but receiving God’s joy sounds a whole lot easier than trying to make myself happy and content. And remember, one of the fruits of the Spirit is joy. Because the Holy Spirit lives in us, His joy is available to us at all times. Ask God to fill you with His gifts once again - with the joy of His strength that equips you to live out His beautiful purpose for your life.
If you’re unmotivated these days, please don’t lose heart. Give yourself a big dose of grace, focus on the key elements of physical health, filter out the toxic things in your mind, and live in the joy of God’s strength. Chances are, you’ll find yourself motivated once again - for everything that matters most!
Photo Credit: ©Getty Images/eggeeggjiew