Imagine our sisters-in-Christ who live in persecuted places today. Even if death threatens them, they have courageously decided to wear the Jesus label.
An online fashion store featured a “visit” to women’s closets, storing and displaying vintage labels by Hermes, Chanel, Yves Saint Laurent, Saint Laurent, Givenchy, and Louis Vuitton. These are the rare, one-of-a-kind couture pieces rich in history and worth some serious money! These features may have inspired many on social media platforms, flaunting their own fashion inspirations, designer labels or not.
Wearing Our Own Curated Labels
We wear many labels every day. You can physically check out the tags on the clothes you put on, the shoes you slip into, and the purses you carry. But we also have “conceptual” labels, the ones that we love to use to define us. The easiest ones to identify are the labels of relationships and accomplishments. Here’s an example:
As children, we would stand in front of the class and say these things about ourselves: “My name is ___________. My parents are __________. My siblings are _____________________.”
While in our careers, we add to the list where we graduated from college or obtained our certification, then insert our current job positions, even managing to list the responsibilities if asked to explain more. (As if people have the time to listen to our litany!)
If we are wives and moms, we identify ourselves as “so-and-so’s wife and mother to _____________.” And we can think of whatever else is happening in our lives that can be added to our string of labels.
But then there are other labels that we like to wear that we shouldn’t. First, listen to the lyrics of Matthew West’s song "Hello, My Name Is" on YouTube or however you access songs on demand. In this song, let’s focus on two specific labels mentioned at the beginning of the song: regret and defeat. Second, think about the skeletons hidden in our closets, the past that should not have happened. That’s the ‘regret” label that we like to jam ourselves into even if it doesn’t fit us anymore. And to help cover up regret, we go ahead and put on defeat too! We didn’t make it to where we should have and could have so we’re done trying!
Don’t you feel that regret and defeat are just too burdensome to walk around with and simply clash with everything good that we can have? Regret and defeat will be more difficult to distance ourselves from if we decide that we should live and breathe them, punishing ourselves for our pasts. They devalue our worth.
Congratulations! We have successfully put ourselves in labeled boxes! One article called it “a necessary shorthand” yet not enough to “sufficiently describe a person.” We need to stop self-labeling and learn from and make peace with our past mistakes. Then, we can be free to become who God wants us to be…His children.
Accepting the “Premium” Personal Label
It’s funny because we are no different from the Israelites in the Old Testament. After God brought them out of Egypt in a series of signs and wonders, He gave them a new label to wear: His people, His holy nation! They would proudly walk around as His but then… begin to take off His label to become like the rest of the nations! When they felt discontent, they looked back to Egypt, despite being slaves there. This led to their defeat when their enemies would rout them because they didn’t want to live as God’s chosen.
On-off! On-off! That’s what they did to their label as God’s people. The Israelites could not fully invest in their own potential, regularly found discomfort in being called God’s people, and rebelled against it. It’s like they were wearing scratchy fabric that irritated their skin, so they could not stand wearing it.
Are we proud to be labeled as believers and followers of Christ, the “premium” personal label available to us? Have we fully grasped the fact that we are now the children of the one true King and co-heirs with Christ (Romans 8:17), after confessing our sins, receiving His forgiveness, and being cleansed from all unrighteousness (1 John 1:9)? No matter how many times we hear these truths about ourselves, why do we continue to struggle with unbelief? Is it because we think that this label is only for some? It seems like the Jesus label does not flatter us and makes us very uncomfortable to wear. Or is it the other way around—that we can’t do justice to the Jesus label?
Read this passage from the book of Isaiah very carefully: “I am overwhelmed with joy in the LORD my God! For he has dressed me with the clothing of salvation and draped me in a robe of righteousness. I am like a bridegroom dressed for his wedding or a bride with her jewels” (61:10). If we can hear the thundering applause from the heavenly saints and feel the party mood of rejoicing, we can imagine the extravagance of the clothing line available to us, its richness and beauty stemming from God’s grace and favor.
Knowing that we have a loving God, our Master Designer who creates one-of-a-kind works of art, should make us excited. There is something perfectly designed for each one of us as God weaves His story carefully and intricately into our identities. Psalm 139 says, “For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well” (vs. 13-14). And you know what’s amazing? Even if we stumble and hear booing from the world, He whispers, “Do not fear; I will help you” (Isaiah 41:13) and picks us up.
Stepping Out Confidently in Our Jesus Label
What label do you wear? Pop culture likes to dictate that! We are pressured to follow trends, including consulting with [im]personal stylists and experts to select pieces for us to wear. And this hit-or-miss styling sometimes makes us less confident about who we are. Some of the new pieces don’t do us justice as we are being reimagined and reshaped into the world’s mold. And we fall victim to this mind game, cramming our closets full of unrealistic labels that do not really suit us—instead of returning them—demanding that we compromise our identity in Christ. It wasn't the breakthrough we were expecting like the world promised. What wishful thinking on our part!
Imagine our sisters-in-Christ who live in persecuted places today. Even if death threatens them, they have courageously decided to wear the Jesus label. Have you ever wondered if you could stand firmly on your faith in Christ without worrying about negative things the world will say? Jesus commanded, “And you also will bear witness, because you have been with me” (John 15:27). And God encouraged us with these words too: “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go” (Joshua 1:9). Wearing the Jesus label means acknowledging Jesus publicly. The final reward will be the Father in heaven acknowledging those who acknowledged Him (Matthew 10:32).
A Christian social forum posted this: “You are loved, redeemed, favored, forgiven, valued, desired, blessed, longed for by I AM.” It’s time for us to clean out our personal closets and replace them with these labels! Remember that God is the only One who can clothe us with strength and dignity, so we can laugh without fear of the future (Proverbs 31:25). And WOW! We absolutely look fabulous!
Photo Credit: ©iStock/Getty Images Plus/artisteer
Luisa Collopy is an author, speaker and a women’s Bible study teacher. She also produces Mula sa Puso (From the Heart) in Tagalog (her heart language), released on FEBC Philippines stations. Luisa loves spending time with her family over meals and karaoke!