Can hope be found in seemingly hopeless circumstances? Is it possible to find good in the darkness we face? Here are three ways Good Friday gives us hope regardless of what we’re facing.
Can hope be found in seemingly hopeless circumstances? Is it possible to find good in the darkness we face? Here are three ways Good Friday gives us hope regardless of what we’re facing.
On Good Friday, Christians around the world look back and remember Jesus’ crucifixion. Thinking back to Jesus’ death on the cross, one would hardly describe these events as “good.” However, that’s the phrase we now use to commemorate this day.
Three days later, he was resurrected. Now, there’s some good news! We celebrate because we know the rest of the story. We read the ending and how it all plays out. But what about Jesus’ closest family members and friends who were there living it in real-time?
Imagine the uncertainty of not knowing how things were going to go. Grief and sadness must have overwhelmed them. The waiting must have felt unbearable. Maybe you can relate.
Whether you feel uncertain as you wait for an answer to prayer or you’re walking through the weight of grief, Good Friday brings hope to us all. Let’s explore three truths we can tuck into our hearts and cling to when our circumstances seem hopeless.
1. God’s promises are always true.
God’s promises are unchanging. But let’s be honest- we don’t always choose to walk in truth because the truth doesn’t always feel true. Life is hard, circumstances can be heavy, and sometimes embracing truth is a challenge. It can be difficult to cling to truth in chaos, pain, or uncertainty.
Despite our feelings, we can choose to believe God’s word and His promises to us. They are always true, no matter what. We have power, through the Holy Spirit, to anchor ourselves to the truth found in God’s word even if all hope seems lost. Good Friday reminds us that God finishes what He starts, and His promises are always true.
2. God is moving in the unseen.
Sometimes, it’s hard to tell how or even if God is working things together. Romans 8:28 becomes hard to hold on to. We wonder if He’s really working our circumstances together for good. The evidence of His hand at work in our lives seems invisible at times. Things don’t always make sense on the surface from our point of view.
Like Jesus’ family and friends, maybe things appear silent and dark in your life. There’s no evidence as far as you can see to hope for a positive outcome. Maybe you’re losing hope and waiting for God to answer your prayers. Good Friday reminds us that God is always moving behind the scenes and working all things together for good, even if we can’t see it.
3. God hasn’t left you.
You may be familiar with Joshua 1:9 where God speaks directly to Joshua commanding him to not be afraid. God reminds Joshua that He will be with him wherever he goes. Sometimes, we feel alone because we are alone. Physically, at least. Other times, we feel alone in certain circumstances or struggles we’re facing.
I think back to how lonely Jesus’ followers must have felt once his body was buried and the tomb was sealed. It must have felt like he was really gone. We see Jesus himself on the cross cry out, “Why have you forsaken me?”. We know logically that God is everywhere, but sometimes we feel all alone. God promises to never leave or forsake us. Even when we’re physically alone, Jesus promised the Holy Spirit would be with us always.
When life seems hopeless, we can choose to anchor ourselves to the truth. As we walk through difficult circumstances, the faithfulness of the Lord will see us through. The cross that we look back to on Good Friday represents a complete victory for those in Christ, both now and eternally. Jesus overcame death and as His children we can claim that victory over our own circumstances.
As Easter approaches, I pray we cling to these promises and declare God’s truth over every circumstance in our lives. Right now, things may be dark. It may feel lonely or scary. Circumstances may seem hopeless. But remember, no matter what you face today, Sunday is coming. Praise God for the hope we have in that!
Photo Credit: © Getty Images/jchizhe