5 Christmas Eve Traditions to Try This Year

Vivian Bricker

Christmas Eve traditions are varied across the world, and in America, we often have our unique family traditions. Many of us have our own special Christmas Eve traditions that we do year after year, but sometimes they can get boring or outdated. Similarly, many of us don’t have any Christmas Eve traditions, yet we are trying to find some for the upcoming holiday.

Whether you are looking for new ideas or are simply trying to find any ideas, here are five Christmas Eve traditions to try this year:

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1. Read the Account of Jesus' Birth

The first Christmas Eve tradition you can try this year is to read the account of Jesus’ birth. The original, true Christmas account of Jesus’ birth is found in both the Gospels of Matthew and Luke. Luke is normally the account I read each year, but reading either one is fantastic. As you are reading the account of Jesus’ birth, imagine the great joy and happiness the people would have experienced to know that the Messiah had come into the world. Jesus had a humble birth as He was born in a manger without a huge celebration. Even though Jesus is the King of kings, He humbled himself and took on form as a man to redeem us. 

Often the true meaning of Christmas is shrouded by materialism. Instead of focusing on Christ, Christmas has been associated with Santa Claus and getting presents. The idea of Santa Claus and getting presents should not be the focus of our Christmas celebration. The reason for the season is Jesus’ birth into the world. There would be no Christmas apart from Jesus. By reading the account of Jesus’ birth, we are reminded of the true meaning of Christmas on Christmas Eve. We, too, can have the same excitement as the shepherds and the angels when they first heard of the birth of the Messiah. 

2. Bake Cookies and Watch a Christmas Movie

A second Christmas Eve tradition is to try this year to bake cookies and watch a Christmas movie. Many of us do this throughout the Christmas season, but there is something special about having cookies and watching a Christmas movie the night before the big Christmas day. You can choose whatever type of cookie you would like, and it is up to you if you want to make them from scratch or buy premade cookies you just have to bake. Either way is fine as long as it helps you celebrate the Christmas season. You can even make some hot chocolate or coffee to go with your cookies if you would like.

In addition to baking cookies, you can watch a movie. Pick your favorite Christmas movie and enjoy the time watching the film. A few classics are How The Grinch Stole Christmas, A Christmas Story, and A Charlie Brown Christmas. If you watch the movie with friends or family, consider what they would like to watch too. Even if you want to see different movies, you can always have a movie marathon or see another mover the next day. Most Christmas movies are not based on the true meaning of Christmas but rather on Christmas culture as found in the United States. It can be quite hard to find Christmas movies focused on the true story of Christmas, yet Christmas classics can still help us get into the Christmas spirit. 

3. Take a Stroll and Look at Christmas Lights

A third Christmas Eve tradition to try this year is to take a holiday stroll and look at Christmas lights. Christmas lights have always been a favorite of my sister’s and it always brings her so much joy to see the twinkling, colorful lights. We always used to drive around and look at the lights, but a fun alternative is taking a holiday stroll, which will allow you to look more closely at the lights and appreciate them more. When we are driving, it can be hard to take time to look at the lights, yet when we are walking by, we will be able to look at the lights better and enjoy them.

If taking a holiday stroll simply isn’t doable for you this year, you can always take a car ride and look at the lights. Different people enjoy different ways of looking at the lights, so it’s ultimately up to you. You can take a holiday stroll to look at the lights and you can also drive around and look at the lights too if you want. While it can be fun to just go by yourself, you can also take family members or friends along with you on your holiday stroll or ride to look at the Christmas lights. Enjoying the lights with loved ones will make memories that will last a lifetime. 

4. Go to a Christmas Eve Service 

A fourth Christmas Eve tradition to try this year is to go to a Christmas Eve service. Most churches offer a Christmas Eve service to celebrate the birth of Jesus. Christmas Eve services are always nice and help point us back to Jesus. At most Christmas Eve services, each individual will be given a candle to hold as the congregation sings songs about the Lord. It is a beautiful event to partake in, and it can also help you obtain a richer knowledge of the first Christmas story. The sermon during a Christmas Eve service is normally focused on the true account of Jesus’ advent into the world.

If you don’t have a current church you attend, this could be a good time to try out a new church or to go to church for the first time. Christmas is a wonderful time of year because, during this time, people tend to be more kind to others. If you already do attend church, you can invite other loved ones to come with you to the Christmas Eve service. Maybe you have recently befriended an unbeliever and have been trying to help them to accept Christ. A great way to help them know more about Jesus is by offering to take them to a Christmas Eve service or to have them meet you there.

Photo Credit: ©James Wheeler/Unsplash

5. Make a Christmas Craft

A fifth Christmas Eve tradition to try this year is to make a Christmas craft. There are hundreds of different Christmas crafts you can make. Different ideas are on various websites, or you can create your own idea for your Christmas crafts. If money feels like a strain, get creative with the supplies you have in your house or even laying around your yard. You could draw your own manger scene, make your own ornament, or make an edible craft. The possibilities are endless when it comes to Christmas crafts. If you are particularly fond of crafts, you could even teach a craft segment to your loved ones to help them learn how to make a certain craft.

Don’t be afraid to be creative when it comes to making your Christmas craft. You can be as creative as you want with your crafts. It is also important to remember that you don’t need to get upset if your craft doesn’t turn out exactly the way you wanted. We all mess up, including messing up on crafts. Even if the craft doesn’t exactly look like a photograph in the book or on the photograph on the website doesn’t mean it isn’t a good craft. Rather, it is a creative craft that was created by the one and only you. Crafts can be frustrating at times, yet at the end of the day, they are beautiful additions to our Christmas decorations. They are also a fun way to keep the kids engaged with the Christmas spirit. Consider playing Christmas music or a Christmas movie in the background. 

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