5 New Year's Resolutions You Can Make Today

Michelle S. Lazurek

The new year is always when people make New Year's resolutions. At the first of the year, people get inspired to start the new year, believing they can make their lives happier, healthier, and easier in some way or another. But by February, most people have given up on the resolutions only to feel like they've failed. People fail to complete resolutions not because they have trouble following through but because they have no real motivation to change their lives that way or because the resolution was not specific enough to be met in a timely fashion. 

For example, one of those popular New Year's resolutions is to lose weight. However, some people only strive to lose weight, but they give themselves no deadline or incentive to complete the task. Furthermore, holiday overeating, stress, and deep grief or loss all contribute to those extra pounds. It can be difficult for people to want to complete this resolution if they have no real solution for how to resolve it. But what if we made New Year's resolutions that aligned with biblical principles? What if we made this the year we wanted to become more Bible-believing and Bible-following Christians? 

Here are five New Year's resolutions you can make today:

1. Health

As stated above, most people want to lose weight in the new year. They want to say goodbye to the old year and those extra pounds after the holidays. But what if we made our health a priority instead of losing some extra pounds? While losing extra pounds can contribute to better health, the scale only tells a part of the story. It does not tell how much percentage of your body is fat and how much of your body is muscle. How much water you drank also contributes to weight gain. Resolve to get your cholesterol or blood pressure numbers down. Seek to make lifestyle changes that will help reduce your stress and anxiety. Pray and ask the Lord to help you find solutions. Although some health-related concerns are genetic in nature, God will honor your initiative to make your health a priority. 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 says, “Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body.”

2. Finances

Many people feel that wealth is the key to happiness. But what if we resolved to give away more of our money and to make a difference in our world? Before January, seek and ask the Lord what one charity or organization you can donate to make a resolution to give a bit more of your income. Ask yourself, “What area of life am I most passionate about?” Do you want to see a difference made in the sex-trafficking trade? Do you want to give children in third-world countries cleaner water or access to more food? Do your research and make sure you give to an organization that is giving the majority of its donations straight to the cause rather than to salaries or overhead. Compassion International and World Vision are two great organizations that release their financial statements regularly. Look at where the money is going and determine if that is a place you want to send your donation. Make a goal to give away a certain amount of dollars before the end of the year. It helps us be better witnesses when we know we are giving a large portion of our income to places that are doing their best to bring a little more heaven to this earth.

3. Simplicity

As we age, we yearn for a simpler life. We want smaller houses so we don't have to clean them, less screen time so we can commune with nature, and less drama and stress in our lives. No matter how hard we try, the hustle and bustle of life get the best of us. But are there ways to simplify our lives so we don't have to worry so much? It can be as simple as cleaning out our inbox and making a resolution to keep the inbox number at zero each day, or it can be as complicated as selling your home and downsizing. 

Take a moment and analyze each area of your life. Take a blank sheet of paper and write out each area that you want to simplify, and ask yourself, “Are there ways in which I can make my life easier?” Although some ways to simplify might complicate your life a bit at first, the simplicity you will enjoy for years to come will be well worth it. Seek to clean out your closets and keep the bare minimum of clothes and food. You will feel free knowing that you have gotten rid of all the extra stuff that might be weighing you down.  

4. Organization

Do you spend your weekends cleaning and organizing your stuff, only to find it messed up a month later? It might be time to get more organized. An organized life is a better life. Take some of your Christmas money and invest in under-the-bed storage organizers and larger bins that you can stack to take stock of your stuff. Rid yourself of 50% of the possessions you own. If you don't think you can part with that much, try 30% or 40%. Once you get started throwing things out and reducing your possessions to only what you really need, you'll find a life that's much easier and simpler. 

5. Opportunities

Although we can be grateful to live in a world where we can still preach the gospel openly without fear of persecution or other punishment, we don't take advantage of those opportunities. One resolution we can make that God will surely honor is to ask him for more opportunities to spread the gospel message. Spreading the gospel is the reason why Jesus came, and he equipped his people to do the work when he left. Set a resolution to spread the gospel at least once per month. Ask him to give you five people whom you can be praying for throughout the year. They could be family members, acquaintances, friends, or others God has placed on your heart. Pray for them at least once a week and ask God to reveal himself to them in a special way. Although spreading the gospel may be daunting for you, here are some tips:

Ask them their story- People want to be heard now more than ever before. With the proliferation of technology, people are more isolated and yearn for one-on-one conversation. Start with an acquaintance you don't know well and ask them to share their story. Don't use it as an opportunity to share your story, but rather practice active listening and hear exactly what they're saying. You'll be surprised to find people who want to be heard. 

Ask follow-up questions for clarity- Take the things you've learned to the Lord and ask him to ease their burdens and cast their cares upon him. Stand in the gap for them and bear their burdens, and cast their cares to God on their behalf.

New Year's resolutions can feel daunting. With the right incentive, they can change their lives like never before. Shift your perspective to make resolutions merely because of peer pressure or outside appearance. Instead, make resolutions that will change your life in a positive way so that you can live a simpler, healthier life to be used by God in the years to come.

Photo Credit: ©AaronAmat

Michelle S. Lazurek is a multi-genre award-winning author, speaker, pastor's wife, and mother. She is a literary agent for Wordwise Media Services and a certified writing coach. Her new children’s book Who God Wants Me to Be encourages girls to discover God’s plan for their careers. When not working, she enjoys sipping a Starbucks latte, collecting 80s memorabilia, and spending time with her family and her crazy dog. For more info, please visit her website www.michellelazurek.com.

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