It is definitely a service you don't want to miss as it will provide you with spiritual nourishment that won't only last for a few days, but rather, by hearing the message of the Gospel, it can change your life forever.
There are many reasons why individuals choose to skip the Easter morning service. While most of us have been guilty of skipping at least one Easter morning church service over the period of our lives, we need to make sure we try our best to make it to the Easter morning church service. Even though it can be hard at times to get out of bed in the morning for the service, it is important that we go and hear the impactful message of Easter.
If you are debating whether or not to skip the Easter morning church service this year, here are four reasons not to skip:
1. It Will Provide Spiritual Nourishment
One reason not to skip Easter morning church service is because it will provide spiritual nourishment. If we miss the Easter morning church service, we will miss the spiritual blessings. Just like we need food to nourish our bodies, we need Bible truths to nourish our souls. The sermon given on Easter morning is normally a sermon that is focused on Jesus' death and resurrection. The very nature of Jesus' sacrifice, death, and resurrection calls us to humbly go before the Lord in thanksgiving. None of us would have hope for the future if it weren't for Jesus' Easter sacrifice.
The spiritual nourishment that the Easter morning church service provides will most likely be even more helpful and impactful to us than normal weekly Sunday morning services. While traditional weekly Sunday morning services can be amazing and moving, there is something special about the Easter morning service that is unlike any other service throughout the year. It is definitely a service you don't want to miss as it will provide you with spiritual nourishment that won't only last for a few days, but rather, by hearing the message of the Gospel, it can change your life forever.
2. It Will Remind You of the True Meaning of Easter
A second reason not to miss Easter morning church service this year is that it will remind you of the true meaning of Easter. Sadly, many individuals don't know the true meaning of Easter. Rather than associating it with the death and resurrection of Jesus, many individuals associate it with Easter egg hunts, ham, and pastel dresses. While there is nothing wrong with any of these things inherently, there is something wrong if these things take the spotlight over Jesus' death, burial, and resurrection. Going to the Easter morning service will help remind you of the true meaning of Easter, and if you don't know the true meaning of Easter, their service will be centered around it.
Most individuals don't go to church every Sunday. The top two holidays that normally have the highest church attendance are Christmas Day and Easter. Since this is true, churches need to ensure that on Easter, they are sharing the message of the Gospel because it might be the only time of year that listeners will have the opportunity to hear the Gospel. Growing up, even in the United States, I never heard the Gospel. This is why churches need to share the message of the Gospel on Easter because the entire holiday is only possible by Jesus. In the same way, it is important that even if we already know the Gospel and have accepted Jesus that we also don't miss Easter morning service because it will help remind us of what spurs our faith.
3. It Causes You to Have Hope for the Future
A third reason to not miss the Easter morning church service is because it causes you to have hope for the future. The entire message of the resurrection of Christ gives us hope for the future because we can rest in the promise that Jesus is God and that He gives eternal life to all who will accept Him. Salvation is open to all people who want to accept Him as their Savior and Lord. Through the message given on the resurrection during Easter service, it points us to the future and the hope we have of Jesus' return. It also helps points us to the truth that, similar to Jesus, we also will be given glorified, resurrected bodies at the time of the rapture of the church.
There is no reason to fear the future because once you have placed faith in Jesus, you can rest in the peace that you will spend eternity with Him. Even though the matter of death might be frightening to many of us, myself included, we can know that after we pass away and face the sting of death, we will be with God for all eternity. All the pain we may have experienced during our lives will not compare to the glorious bliss of spending eternity with our Lord and Savior. Through Jesus' resurrection, pastors can help remind all people of the hope we have in the future because of the Lord.
Jesus is our hope, and through His resurrection, we are promised a lasting hope that will never fade away. During the Easter morning church service, your pastor is bound to talk about the future promises God has given us, and for this reason, we can have hope. The Lord has never failed us, and we can count on Him for all eternity. You might be surprised how much going to a single Easter morning service might deeply change your life for the better. We never need to underestimate the power of the Gospel.
4. It Offers the Chance to Commune with Other Believers and the Lost
A fourth reason not to skip the Easter morning church service is because of the chance to commune with other believers and the lost. While it is common for individuals to sit with other people they already know during Easter morning church service, it can be a great time to sit by a guest or get to know somebody new. If you particularly like to make new friends, this could be the perfect opportunity. Many people may exclusively come to the Easter morning church service with the purpose of talking with other people or learning more about the church. If you notice new people coming into the church on Easter morning, do your best at being friendly and kind to all people. Your very actions could make or break it for the other person.
As believers, we are the hands and feet of Christ to the world. If we are rude or judgmental to others, it will give a false view of who Jesus is. We never want to be found guilty of misrepresenting the Lord to the lost world. Importance must be stressed on being kind, loving, and caring to others. All actions, words, and behaviors need to be genuine, or you could risk being seen as inauthentic. Easter morning church service is a perfect time to represent Jesus to the lost world.
You might think just being one person in the world couldn't make a difference, but you do make a difference, and you can make a huge difference by simply being a kind and authentic follower of Jesus. This is not a massive, unreasonable task because, as believers, we should already want to follow Christ, and the love He has for us needs to outflow in our own actions and words. By missing Easter morning church service, you could be missing an opportunity to build a strong relationship with another believer, or you could miss an opportunity to build a strong connection with an unbeliever.
As believers, we are all told to go and make disciples of all nations (Matthew 28:18-20). It doesn't matter if we are a missionary going into a foreign mission field or not. God has commanded all of us to go and make disciples. A great way to fulfill this command is by being kind and caring to any new faces you see at the Easter morning church service. It could be the perfect opportunity to build a relationship with a person and help them come to know Jesus.
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