What if this year we chose to shift our focus off us and our circumstances and placed our sights on the wonders of our incredible God?
How is it that we are already entering another year? Didn’t we just ring in a new one? Honestly, is it just me, or does it seem like these years are running altogether? It’s as if I blinked and one kiddo is about to go off to college, another is a few years from doing the same, and “our baby” (we lovingly call our surprise blessing) will soon be in the double digits. Does that mean she will sadly be leaving that “magical” stage? Oh, I can’t even bear to think about it!
Unfortunately, I tend to get a tad bit sentimental at the end of each year, recalling how much our lives have drastically changed. Our three daughters are growing up at operation “warp speed,” and it has me holding all these memories over the years with bittersweet sadness. Not to mention I am faced with the brutal reality that another year has passed without my precious momma here to guide me. Oh, how I really need her right about now. Raising teens is not for the faint of heart!
Besides going down memory lane and being filled with rather big feelings, whether I like it or not, another year is upon us. Time sure has a way of capturing our hearts and stealing our attention, doesn’t it? So, what is an emotionally charged momma to do?
Well, sister, we can wallow in the past, strive to live up to those lofty New Year’s resolutions, pledge to live by a certain noble word, or…we can aim for something a little different this year. Not that there is necessarily anything wrong with having those reflections, setting goals, or living up to a faith-filled word, but, what if we also took time to tend to our emotional hearts while creating space to grow spiritually? What if this year we chose to shift our focus off us and our circumstances and placed our sights on the wonders of our incredible God?
While we can’t make time slow down or bring back memories of old, we can enter the new year with a simple yet purposeful plan—a plan that will allow us to cherish the past, embrace the present, and hold on to the future with hope because we serve an awesome God! If you are ready to unpack a simple three-step plan to carry with you into the new year, let's read on!
1. Seek God Wholeheartedly
The most vital step we can take as faithful followers of Jesus is to seek Him with our whole hearts. Not only is it fundamental to our faith and truly rewarding, but we were made for it. Yes, that’s right! God designed us to commune and connect with Him in a deep and meaningful way. And, let me tell you, God wants your heart! Actually, He wants everything to do with it!
So, what does it really mean to seek God with our whole heart as Jeremiah 29:13 calls us to?
First, we must recognize that God gives us this gift of invitation as a precious promise to create a relationship with us, one built on truth as it is covered in His grace, mercy, and love. It's just as God faithfully led and lovingly restored the Israelites; when we seek His face and come before Him with a humble heart, His righteousness flows. This should give us so much peace with our past, knowing that no matter what we have done, the troubles we have faced, or the mix of emotions that come with our former days, God is in the business of restoration.
However, seeking God with our fleshly hearts isn’t always easy. That’s because our heart naturally bends toward distractions and pride and is inwardly deceitful (Jeremiah 17:9). This is the reason God wants everything to do with the heart. Our loving God wants to settle this vital organ with His compassion and remind us of our true worth.
Seeking God takes diligence through our time, efforts, and commitment. We can seek Him through our fervent prayers, getting into His Word, fasting, and praising Him. How can you train your heart this year to seek God?
2. Surrender Your Ways
As we head into a new year it is easy to look back on the past with bitterness or fondness, depending on our circumstances. After all, that is our human nature. But I invite you to take a moment to pause and reflect on how God has been faithful to you and your family this year. Where did He unexpectedly show up? When did He give you insurmountable peace? On the other hand, maybe God has seemed quiet or appeared distant. Maybe your heart is heavy and wrapped in sorrow or pain.
If you fall into the category of feeling lonely, lost, or forgotten, or your life is currently spinning out of control, my heart aches with yours. I don’t claim to understand or know what you are going through, but I can say with a real and vulnerable heart in those brutal times where we are left holding up empty hands to the Lord, reluctantly saying, “Let Your will be done,” a sense of peace can, and will, wash over us.
There is something beautiful that happens when we simply acknowledge that God is God and we are not! The truth is that our human minds can only hold so much, and no matter how hard we desperately try to control a certain situation or change a circumstance, there is a limit to what we can do. When left to our own devices, we will fail, every single time.
Yet, our God, Who is all-knowing, all-powerful, all-wise, and all-good (Isaiah 55:8), holds a good and perfect plan for each and every one of us. His plan and perfect timing for every season of our lives, even in the midst of pain, come with a greater purpose, far beyond what we can ever comprehend. Yet, His plan and purpose are always good and offer hope (Jeremiah 29:11). We can bank on that! As you head into this new year, how can you let go and surrender to God’s good and perfect plan for your life?
3. Submit to God’s Will and Authority
When we give God our heart through prayer and hand over our plans, letting His purpose prevail, it leads us to the sweetest place of all. A place that allows God to move in our lives by giving Him the pen to write our story. When we submit to God, we honor Him as the authority over our lives and welcome Him into our hearts, our minds, and our souls. We allow Him to lead and guide us as we abide in Him, trusting that whatever path He sets us on, even if it doesn’t make sense, He will see us through (Proverbs 3:5-6).
David gives us such a beautiful depiction of trusting God and submitting to His will and authority. Even when faced with adversity, David came clean before God, often repenting with a real and openly raw heart, continually asking God for wisdom, discernment, and guidance. When we delve into God’s Word and rediscover how David, and many others in Scripture, longed for God’s authority, we too can learn how to walk in obedience.
This year, get to know the sovereignty of God and how His divine authorship of your life can bring so much peace to your future filled with hope. What is God laying on your heart? Is there a gift you have been given that He wants you to share? Maybe a dream He has placed on your heart? Seek His wisdom and let Him guide you, then give Him the pen and let Him write your story!
Father God, You are so very good to us and we are truly amazed by the wonders of Your infinite love. As we head into this new year and long to hold on to the past, feel lost in the present, or grow weary about our future, please soften and awaken our hearts. May we seek after You, surrender our plans over to You, and heed Your will. We love You and faithfully yearn to serve You. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.
Photo Credit: ©SWN