Dear Impatient Self, God's Help Is on the Way for Valentine's Day

Jennifer Waddle

iBelieve Contributor
Updated Feb 14, 2024
Dear Impatient Self, God's Help Is on the Way for Valentine's Day

Trust that the Lord always has your best in mind, according to His perfect will, and allow your impatient heart to trust Him today.

Dear Impatient Self,

You’ve been waiting a long time for God to fulfill the desires of your heart, and now that it’s Valentine’s Day, you’re starting to think He has forgotten all about you. Please know He hasn’t. 

God’s help is on the way for Valentine’s Day. It might not be what you expect, but you can trust Him for the outcome.

I pray this love letter will calm your anxious heart and remind you that God has a plan and purpose for your life. Though it seems like He is tarrying, you can be certain His timing is always perfect. Here are a few things to ponder as you wait for God’s help this Valentine’s Day:

He Has Something Better in Mind

Whatever you’ve been waiting for, rest assured that the Lord knows. When something doesn’t come to pass, it doesn’t mean He doesn’t love or care about you; it means He has something better in mind. This might include:

-An unexpected financial blessing

-The restoration of a relationship

-His peace and direction

-Renewed hope for the future

Please don’t believe the lie that God is far away and unconcerned with your hopes and desires. That’s not how He works. In fact, Jeremiah 23:23-24 says, “Am I only a God nearby,” declares the Lord, “and not a God far away? Who can hide in secret places so that I cannot see them?” declares the Lord. “Do not I fill heaven and earth?”

Dear Impatient Self, let the imagery of God’s omnipresence - His ability to be everywhere at once - bring you great comfort today. Picture His love surrounding you at all times, like a warm blanket of assurance that His help is on the way. Trust that the Lord always has your best in mind, according to His perfect will, and allow your impatient heart to trust Him today.

It Could Be a Divine Delay

Whenever you find yourself trying to make things happen according to your own timeline, consider that God might be providing a divine delay for your protection. For example, if you’re stuck in traffic, you might feel irritable or anxious. However, it could be the Lord allowing a delay in traffic to protect you from a collision up ahead. 

With this mindset, you’ll find it much easier to wait on God and trust that His timing is best. Instead of feeling like God is withholding blessings from you, you’ll start to recognize it as His loving protection over you. 

Think of it this way: It’s not good for a child to get everything they want when they want it, right? In the same way, it’s not good for us. Sometimes, the Lord says, “no,” and sometimes He says, “not right now.” Either way, His answer is for your protection and peace. Do you believe that today?

Things might not turn out exactly as you expect this Valentine’s Day, but when you trust God’s divine delays, you’ll find peace in the waiting. Approach Him with childlike faith, admitting your patience has worn thin, but you are trusting Him to come through for you. Receive His withholdings as loving acts of kindness and protection. Whatever He has in store for you is far better than you can imagine!

Recognize the Help God Gives

When you try to fix things on your own, you’re missing out on the help God provides. Learning to recognize His help is key to having the breakthrough you desire. Here are a few ways the Lord might send help this Valentine’s Day:

-An encouraging text or email

-A surprise invitation

-An unexpected gift

-An act of service

-A connection with someone you care about

Are you eagerly anticipating help from God? Ask for His spiritual glasses to see things as He sees them. Pray that He will make you keenly aware of the help He provides, even if it looks completely different than what you imagined. Remember, you have a good Father who loves to give good gifts to His children. As Matthew 7:11 says, “How much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him!” 

Dear Impatient Self, don’t forget to ask God for the help you need. He is waiting to hear from you. Don’t let anxiousness or restlessness prevent you from spending time with your heavenly Father. Most of the time, being still in His presence is all the help you need in that moment.

Let Patience Have Its Work in You

James 1:4 (NKJV) says, “Let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing.” Could it be that God is trying to perfect patience in you by allowing you to wait a bit longer? Let James’ words be of great comfort as you allow the Holy Spirit to work His patience in and through you. It might not be comfortable, but it’s necessary for your spiritual growth in Christ.

The important thing to remember is that true patience comes from God, not yourself. Perhaps, that’s what’s been keeping you from resting in God’s timing. You’ve been trying to muster up enough patience in your own strength, only to fail again. Remember, your victory is in Jesus. Through His finished work on the cross, you have victory over everything that tries to hinder your faith.

Step into the victory you have today. Say “no” to impatience and wait on God with joyful anticipation. This is only possible when you walk in the Spirit and not your flesh. As Galatians 5:25 says, “Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit.” What a beautiful word picture of walking in perfect harmony with Jesus. Instead of running ahead in our own strength, or lagging behind out of fear, we remain in step with His beautiful will for our lives.

Dear Impatient Self, let patience have its perfect work in you. Decide today that you are going to release all of your strivings to God and allow the fruit of His Spirit to grow in abundance. Remember Psalm 1:3, which says, “That person is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither—whatever they do prospers.” 

Let this Valentine’s Day be the season where you remain rooted in Jesus, planted by streams of living water, and producing the abundant fruit of His Spirit. Patience looks beautiful on you!

Remember the Times God Has Been Patient with You

There’s an old children’s song that says, “Be patient, be patient, don’t be in such a hurry. When you get impatient, you only start to worry. Remember, remember, that God has patience too. Just think of all the other times He’s had to wait on you.” 

When you really stop to think of all the times God has demonstrated His patience towards you, your heart will be humbled by His continuous love and grace. What a kind and gracious Father you have, who extends His grace and mercy day after day. Dear Impatient Self, please know this Valentine’s Day is no different; God’s mercy is extended to you and His patience remains with you.

Instead of thinking about what you’re lacking this Valentine’s Day, focus on your blessings. Make a list of things God has done for you and praise Him for His goodness. Consider writing Him a love letter, thanking Him for all the ways He’s been patient and protective of you.  

Could it be His divine delay is exactly what you need? What better thing does He have in mind? Let patience have its perfect work in you as you abide in Jesus this Valentine’s Day. His help is on the way!


Photo Credit: ©SWN

Jennifer Waddle authorJennifer Waddle is the author of several books, including Prayer WORRIER: Turning Every Worry into Powerful Prayerand is a regular contributor for LifeWay, Crosswalk, Abide, and Christians Care International. Jennifer’s online ministry is where you can find her books and sign up for her weekly post, Discouragement Doesnt Win. She resides with her family near the foothills of the Rocky Mountains—her favorite place on earth.