We love best by loving God the most. Our relationship with Jesus fills us with forgiveness, hope, peace, patience, kindness, etc. When we continuously meet with Jesus and fill our cups, eventually, they overflow.
"Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices in the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails..." 1 Corinthians 13:4-8
What Is Love?
I think that in order to understand the fact that love will never fail, we have to specifically define what love is. In today's culture, love is romanticized. That sentence might not make a lot of sense at first and, honestly, it might sound a little depressing, so let me explain:
The “love” that you see on your Instagram feed is only one part of the story. Now, don’t get me wrong, I absolutely swoon when my husband brings me random flowers or writes me sweet notes to find when I wake up in the mornings, but that is not love—it is a product of love. The pink petals that fill my vase and the endearing words I read might make me feel love, but they in and of themselves are not what love is. Love is when I have been in a bad mood all day and snap at my husband (for no good reason) and he doesn’t call me out like he could, but instead hugs me until the stress is gone. Love is when my husband leaves his empty cups everywhere and instead of lecturing him when he gets home from work, I happily clean them up as an act of service towards him. Even these examples do not fully encompass what the foundation of love is.
I am trying to get a little deeper here, folks, so consider this question: What is the building block of love?
1 John 4:16 tells us that “…we know and rely on the love God has for us. God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in them.”
To put it simply, God is love. Apart from God, there is truly no such thing as love. This is why marriage is a holy institution established by God. There are going to be days when earthly love and romance simply are not enough. There will be times when the flowers and love notes elicit little emotion because you are simply too burnt out. Your spouse’s humanity will bring out your humanity and in that moment you will not be able to be the partner God calls you to be in a marriage relationship. But, if you have a relationship with God, who is Love, you can rely on Him to help you love your spouse, even when you might not feel like it.
How Do We Love?
Now that we have established that there is no love apart from God, as He is Love, it is important to understand how we can truly love. We can love by being patient and kind and keeping no record of wrong, but all of that is truly a reflection of one thing. We love best by loving God the most. Our relationship with Jesus fills us with forgiveness, hope, peace, patience, kindness, etc. When we continuously meet with Jesus and fill our cups, eventually, they overflow. That overflow will be poured out onto those around us, pointing them back to Jesus.
It sounds simple, if you love Jesus then you can love others. But, as humans, we tend to mess the whole “love” thing up. You are never going to love perfectly, but you can love the One who does love perfectly. That’s how you love best.
Love Never Fails
Love never fails. I really really love that. Because here’s the thing, my love for my husband, it fails. My parents' love for me, it fails. This is because the human heart can only love in an imperfect manner. Now, I want to be clear about something. I am not saying if your husband doesn’t take the trash out when you asked him to and “fails” you that he doesn’t love you. In fact, if you have entered a marriage relationship or any relationship at all, you need to realize that a part of the love you give will simply be forgiving the other person’s failures, and vice versa. However, because we have already established that God is Love, we can use this verse as a reminder that Love never fails because God never fails.
This verse is often used at weddings, and for good reason! I mean, I even used it at mine! And I believe that we, as spouses, should strive to love one another in a 1 Corinthians manner. So when my love fails, I am forced to ask the question, “What kind of love never fails?”
The only answer is God.
This is Not Just Romance - Even on Valentine’s Day
I know a lot of this piece has been aimed towards those in a romantic relationship, but I want to speak to those who are single for just a moment. First, I want to say that if you are not content in your singleness, be real with God. I think that as a culture we have convinced people that if you are not happy about the fact that you are still waiting for your spouse then you must not have a good relationship with God. Friend, this is not true. In fact, I believe that the discontentment you might feel can be the very avenue that brings you closer to the Father. Be real with God about your feelings and longings. He is your Father and He is waiting to hear from you with an open heart.
I hope, friends, that when you read this verse you do not skip it over or simply store it away for when Mr. Right comes along. Because here’s the thing, you need to love everyone in a 1 Corinthians kind of way. You need to strive to mirror Christ’s love towards everyone you meet. This verse is not just for romantic relationships; it is for every person on the planet because everyone needs to know who God is.
One more thing: keep this verse in your heart. And don’t settle until someone comes along who tries their best not to fail you. Remember, they will fail as they are human, but a Christ-like partner will never take advantage of your grace and forgiveness, nor will they abuse their position in your life.
I pray that this Valentine’s Day you strive to love others with a 1 Corinthians love. I pray that you receive that love from other people as well. And I encourage you to remember to lean into the fact that perfect, unfailing love can only come from the Father. Friend, you are so very loved! I know this holiday can be hard for many, but I encourage you to try your best to love others, love yourself, love Jesus, and open your heart to your Father’s perfect love. It is unfailing and fulfilling beyond your wildest dreams.
Photo Credit: ©Getty Images/mictian
Olivia Lauren is a graduate student passionate about Scripture, particularly the Book of Romans showcasing God's grace. Outside her studies, she enjoys teaching her dog new tricks and finding quicker ways to silence the smoke alarm after trying a new recipe.