Encouraging Words for the Lonely This Holiday Season

Jennifer Waddle

Some of the most heart-breaking emails I receive are those from people in a season of loneliness. And unfortunately, isolation is felt even more intensely during the holidays. As the world seems to be filled with joyous gatherings and fun celebrations, those who are lonely are keenly aware of the absence of meaningful connections in their lives.

This holiday season might find you in a lonely, difficult place, but please let me remind you there is always, always hope. Your loneliness does not define you, nor does it have to be a permanent way of life. The Lord knows your circumstances. He sees exactly where you are. And He promises a brighter season to come.

If you’re in a season of loneliness and need encouragement today, I pray that you will be deeply comforted by the God who loves you and is with you. Here are three encouraging things to remember this holiday season.

Jesus Knows All about It

In Isaiah 53:2-3, the prophet described Jesus’ earthly life in a deeply perceptive way. He said, “He had no beauty or majesty to attract us to him, nothing in his appearance that we should desire him. He was despised and rejected by mankind, a man of suffering, and familiar with pain. Like one from whom people hide their faces he was despised, and we held him in low esteem.”

When you read this passage, what comes to mind? Does Isaiah’s painful description of Jesus’ suffering bring you a sense of comfort in your own loneliness? To know that the Savior faced rejection is sad, yet it’s also a comfort to realize Jesus knows all about it.

The thing about His suffering and loneliness is that it did not stop Him from completing His mission on earth. In fact, it was Jesus who said in Isaiah 50:7, “For the Lord God will help Me; Therefore, I will not be disgraced; Therefore I have set My face like a flint, and I know that I will not be ashamed.” (NKJV)

During the most difficult time in Jesus’ earthly life, the Father was there to help. He strengthened His Son to go to the cross, scorning its shame and becoming the ultimate sacrifice for humankind. Let this be of great encouragement to you, knowing your heavenly Father cares deeply for you and is sending the help you need.

Remember, your life has a mighty purpose, and the Lord does not leave you alone to accomplish it. He is your strength, help, and companion through it all. Loneliness does not nullify your God-given purpose. You can move forward in His perfect plan for you.

Be encouraged by Jesus’ example and know that He, too, suffered loneliness. He is aware of what you’re going through and is with you in the struggle. Set your face like flint toward the One who is able to keep what you’ve committed to Him. He is faithful to comfort, guide, and direct you this holiday season.

A prayer for strength: Heavenly Father, please keep me strong in the days ahead and help me stay the course. Let me know You are with me in my season of loneliness. In Jesus’ holy name, amen.

More resources for your journey:

10 Thing You Should Know about Suffering

15 Bible Verses to Fight Loneliness

Photo credit: © Getty Images/Kerkez

He Is the God Who Sees

Genesis chapter 16 paints a sorrowful yet beautiful picture of one woman’s struggle with loneliness. It’s the story of Hagar, the woman given to Abram by his wife, Sarai. Sadly, because of one woman’s lack of faith, another woman suffered greatly through mistreatment, rejection, and loneliness.

However, the redemptive part of the story is that God met Hagar right where she was - amid her despair. He promised to greatly multiply her descendants and gave the name “Ishmael” to her firstborn son. Though Hagar wasn’t given an easy road to travel, there was a blessed moment when she was able to say, “You are the God who sees me.” (Genesis 16:9)

In your feelings of loneliness and rejection, turn your eyes to the God who sees. Picture Him looking into your eyes with love, acceptance, and companionship. Recount His promises to you - assurances of your faith and salvation in Christ.

Just as Hagar was given hope that day, put your hope in God and know that His loving gaze is upon you. Don’t believe the lie that in your loneliness, God has forgotten you. He meets you right where you are and speaks words of love, kindness, and hope for your future.

A prayer for companionship: Lord, thank You for being with me right where I am. Thank You for Your comfort, guidance, and companionship. Help me to know You are always near. I will fix my eyes on You, the God who sees. In Jesus’ precious name, amen.

More encouraging resources for this season:

The God Who Sees

When You Feel Lonely, Jesus Sees You

A New Season Is Coming

When loneliness descends like a dark cloud, it can start to feel like the sun will never shine again. However, Jesus lovingly reminds us in John 8:12, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness but will have the light of life.”

No matter where you are and how dark things seem, a new season is coming. Please don’t give up hope. Think about the promise of Jesus’ return - the culmination of our faith and the event we long for most. Even now, His glorious light shines in this dark and dreary world, and loneliness is but a temporary shadow.

Allow yourself to anticipate a new and bright season of connection. Look for opportunities to fellowship with like-minded believers, whether in a welcoming church family or a small group study. I believe there is a place for you!

Let the light of Jesus guide the way and open doors of opportunity for you. Consider how the Lord might want you to serve or pour into someone else’s life, offering your gifts and talents to someone in need. Truly, a new season is coming, and you can look forward to a brighter tomorrow.

This holiday season, find strength and joy in the Lord. Remember that Jesus knows all about the struggle of loneliness and rejection; He is the God who sees. He does not leave you alone in your sorrow but is with you through it all. A new season is coming, my friend, so turn your gaze to the One who loves you. Trust Him to shine His light of love and friendship on the path ahead and lead you into sweet fellowship with other believers.

A prayer for hope: Holy God, please restore my hope today. In this season of loneliness, help me see a ray of light through Your Son, Jesus. It is in His mighty name I pray, amen.

More encouragement for your journey:

Lonely in a Crowded Room (and Why God is Enough)

How to Find Joy in Your Season of Loneliness

Photo Credit: ©iStock/Getty Images Plus/fermate

Jennifer Waddle is the author of several books, including Prayer WORRIER: Turning Every Worry into Powerful Prayerand is a regular contributor for LifeWay, Crosswalk, Abide, and Christians Care International. Jennifer’s online ministry is EncouragementMama.com where you can find her books and sign up for her weekly post, Discouragement Doesnt Win. She resides with her family near the foothills of the Rocky Mountains—her favorite place on earth. 

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