Why September Is the New January

Rebekah Scott

Host of The Encourager Podcast
Published Sep 04, 2024
Why September Is the New January

As the calendar moves from summer to fall, where are you emotionally, spiritually, physically, and mentally? Now is the perfect time for reflection and, for many of us, a much-needed reset.

As the calendar moves from summer to fall, where are you emotionally, spiritually, physically, and mentally? Everybody's tanks are probably a quarter full, right? New Year’s resolutions have come and gone, summer has somehow been both restful and chaotic, and though we long for the routines of fall can bring, we also might be more drained than we want to be. That’s why I like to take the opportunity to view September as the new January. For many of us, the change in season and the back-to-school transitions can be the perfect time of year to reflect, renew, and restore ourselves for the coming months ahead.

September and October are my favorite months of the year. From the wardrobe changes to the food to the crispness in the air, I love every bit of it. I leave the windows open entirely too long, so it's almost chilly in the house. I make chili. I light the right candles. I go for long walks with the kiddos. We watch the sunset a lot in the fall because it's not as late at night. The kids have a renewed energy as they're gearing up for school. There's this sense of urgency in the air. And so, I get really excited when a kid puts on a backpack and they zip it up and they like to walk out the door. I'm like, that's right, child. We got this. We're going after it. 

As we move into this new season, I thought I would share my three big areas over the last month. And for me, they were really large. I thought it would be interesting to share those because I'm sure some of you can relate. 

Number One: Surrender. 

What a difficult word. How many of us even know how to surrender in this stage of life? With all the roles I am playing, I'm like, surrender? Are you kidding me? There's no way I'm going to surrender. But life has a way of bringing us to our knees. If this year has been full of trials, and you haven’t yet taken a minute to surrender your troubles, cares, and fears to Jesus - this is your invitation. We can’t move forward without reflecting on what has happened, and surrendering what will be.

What in your life do you need to surrender? What are you holding onto so tightly that you believe you are the only one who can fix it, solve it, or change it? Surrender it now. God needs your brain and your ego to take a step back so that He can fully step in. 

Number Two: Be Kind to Yourself.

I'm very open about talking about therapy. I went through therapy about a year ago after my brother's death, and in therapy, I talked a lot about fear, fear of my own business, fear of failure, fear of success, all kinds of different fears, and trying to break through these barriers of fears for my life. And one thing my therapist would tell me as I would leave was, Rebekah, be kind to yourself. 

I want to offer this same encouragement to you. Be kind to yourself. Write down scripture that speaks God’s love and his care for you and read them aloud to yourself every day. Speak God’s truth over what the year has brought you so far, and what you hope the year will bring. 

Third: Get Over Yourself.

This might feel unkind at first, but I actually think it’s incredibly powerful. Have you ever been in a situation where you just want to tell the person, get over yourself, this isn't about you? You have, right? We all have. Sometimes, we can make small things in our lives bigger than they need to be. Take a minute to do an audit - is there anything in your life that is taking up more brain space than it ought to? Are you ruminating on a certain event or conversation that you need to revisit or surrender? Is there a certain obligation you refuse to ask for help on because you think you’re the only one who can manage it? Getting over ourselves often looks like asking for help, or letting someone pick up the reins for us.

Along those same lines - what are you carrying that you think no one else can carry for or with you? What are you gripping tightly to that God might be calling you to loosen your grip on, or let go of all together?

September is the perfect time to reassess our priorities and commitments. Before automatically signing up to volunteer or participate in a certain activity, really take time to access and pray through what your yeses are going to be for the coming year. Maybe the commitment that took so much time in the spring no longer serves you in the fall. Or maybe you’ve been on the edge of something and sense it’s time to dive in deeper. 

Want More September Reflection Prompts? Check Out My Podcast!

On my weekly podcast, The Encourager Podcast with Rebekah Scott, I share insights gained from 15+ years of balancing family and running a business. As a Christian mom, I understand the juggle of home and work life, and on this podcast, I offer practical advice and encouragement to help you harmonize your roles. Join me as we explore ways to create systems for success at home and work while keeping it real! If this article resonated with you, and you want to dive deeper into reflection and resetting in September, I think these episodes are the perfect next step for you. And if you like what you hear, you can subscribe on Apple or Spotify so you never miss an episode!

This Mid-Year Reflection Guide Episode is designed to help you make the last half of the year your best comeback ever! Join me as we explore a 10-question guide (plus one BONUS question) to set you up for success: 

In this How to Set Up Each Month for Maximum Success Episode, we're exploring how to set up your month for success, joy, and impact. I'll share five practical resources available on EncouragerPodcast.com that are designed to help you manage your home and work life effectively.

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