“He will cover you with his feathers. He will shelter you with his wings. His faithful promises are your armor and protection.” Psalm 91:4 NLT
God can seem huge and unfathomable to kids. Keeping the truth about who God is close to their hearts is a security blanket in this unstable world. As kids tuck in for the day, those blessed enough with parents to pray by their side can share in a moment of awe over our Lord and Savior Jesus, who loves us infinitely more than we can imagine. We have an important legacy to pass down… his love. But we must also remember those who aren’t giving or receiving nightly bedtime snuggles with their kids. Not everyone rests peacefully with full stomachs and warm beds. As we fall asleep, both humbled, awestricken, and grateful to our faithful Father in heaven, let’s teach the generations following behind us to remember those less fortunate in prayer. Here are 4 bedtime prayers your children can begin to learn and pray on their own.
A Bedtime Prayer for Safety to Fight Worry
“The LORD himself watches over you! The LORD stands beside you as your protective shade. The sun will not harm you by day, nor the moon at night.” Psalm 121:5-6 NLT
You know everything that’s happened today. You know the worry that wears me down and the dangers lurking in the dark of night. It’s hard not to worry, even though you tell me not to. Can you calm my heart and show me how? Help me to trust you enough to know there is nothing I need to worry about as a child of the Mighty King of Heaven. Jesus left the ninety-nine sheep to go after one. Surely, you will not let me slip from the safety of Your grip. Thank you for my warm bed, my pillow and my blankets. For a place to lie down and people to care for me. Please help me to remember I am special to You, and You have great plans for me. I will do great things for you, God. There is no need to worry. You will protect me and keep me safe.
When I think of kids that don’t have families or homes, it makes me so sad. Please send people to love and care for them, Father. If there is anything I or my family can do to help, let us know it! You are close to the brokenhearted, the scared, and the weak. The hungry and the homeless, orphans and the lonely. But I still pray for them tonight, God. Help them, hug them, and let them know they are loved. Thank you for taking care of me, and keeping me safe.
In Jesus’ Name,
A Bedtime Prayer for Sweet Dreams and Peaceful Sleep
“Those who live in the shelter of the Most High will find rest in the shadow of the Almighty.” Psalm 91:1 NLT
Sometimes I have scary dreams that wake me up in the night. You are more powerful than any bad dream. When they come to me, chase them away! Remind me of You, God, and how I sleep in your shadow. The shadow of the Almighty God. There is no one more powerful than you. Your Son, Jesus, died for me so I would have peace. No bad dream can take that away.
Help me to fall asleep quickly, tonight, God, and sleep until the morning. Be my nightlight, forever a spark in the dark, reminding me I am never alone. You are always with me and looking out for me. Be my lullaby, singing me to sleep with reminders of how much You love me… just how I am. You will watch me grow up, and stand guard while I sleep, for all the days You have numbered for me on the earth.
For all the kids who don’t know who you are, who don’t have you as their nightlight or lullaby… who look up at the stars and don’t realize you’ve named every one of them …I pray someone tells them about You. Please let someone love them enough to tell them about you when they are tucking in for the night. I pray for the kids who have lived through real-life bad dreams. Heal their hearts so they can sleep peacefully.
In Jesus’ Name I pray,
A Bedtime Prayer of Thankfulness and Blessing
“The LORD keeps you from all harm and watches over your life. The LORD keeps watch over you as you come and go, both now and forever.” Psalm 121:7-8 NLT
Today was a great day! A fun day! A day I am super thankful for all of the good things that happened! Thank you for blessing me with family and friends, a home and food to eat, and with fun times. Thank you for laughter and toys, video games and candy. Thank you for sports, pets, and summer vacation. Thank you for every good and fun thing in my life. You don’t just give me what I need, God, You bless me with extra things just to enjoy them!
I pray every kid in the world gets to enjoy a day like this one, and special things that make them smile. You watch over me, not just when I am scared or have bad dreams, but when I drift off to sleep with a smile on my face. You are so good, God. Every day won’t always feel like this, I know, so I am thankful for this one. Thank you for watching over me.
In Jesus’ Name I pray,
A Bedtime Prayer for Encouragement and Purpose
“He will rejoice over you with gladness." Zephaniah 3:17
I want to be great when I grow up. Sometimes that’s hard to figure out as a kid. One day I want to be a doctor, and the next day I want to be on TV. Sometimes I dream of being rich so I can open an orphanage and help kids that don’t have families. Other days I wish to sing on stage about who you are. My dreams for life change, but you say, dream them all. You tell me to work hard with everything I’m good at, and to go after every dream you put in my heart.
Help me to trust you will guide me to the purpose you have planned for my life, through all of the talents, dreams, and people you place around me to teach and encourage me. Your dreams are the ones I want to come true in my life, even if I can’t see the whole thing yet, or know how I will get there. Help me to trust you, because You are more powerful than me! You guard me and go before me, preparing the way for me and calling me closer to you. Help me to be able to understand what you are saying to me, God. I want to know you a little better every day. Help me to be a leader to my friends, and honor my parents and caregivers.
Bless my mind to drift off to sleep, dreaming peacefully.
In Jesus’ Name I pray,
A Note of Encouragement for Parents and Caregivers
Parents and caregivers, paramount to the words we pray with our children is the love we pass on to them. Share with them how Jesus is with us, saved us, and does not make us feel bad about ourselves. They need to know he is there to protect them from scary things. In this world, they will have trouble, but through it all, God is there and he cares. Take time to talk with your children. Listen long enough so they can get to what is bothering them, and do them the honor of praying with them about the things that weigh so much on their hearts. The greatest gift we can give our children is the same one we receive from Jesus daily… unconditional love. Let them know they matter. To you… and to him… right now… just the way they are.
Meg Bucher writes about everyday life within the love of Christ. She stepped out of her comfort zone, and her Marketing career, to obey God’s call to stay home and be “Mom” in 2011. From that step of obedience her blog, Sunny&80, was born, a way to retain the funny everyday moments of motherhood. Meg is also a freelance writer and author of “Friends with Everyone.” She loves teaching God’s Word and leading weekly Bible study, being a mom, distance running and photography. Meg resides in Northern Ohio with her husband, two daughters, and Golden-Doodle… all avid Cleveland Browns fans.